You are here: Home / Projects / EVE / Testing EVE on Ubuntu 18.04 installation, February 6, 2020 / ubuntu-18.04-eve-testing-20200206


by Inna Sosunova last modified Feb 06, 2020 04:25 PM
Testing EVE on Ubuntu 18.04 installation, February 6, 2020

Host system: Ubuntu 18.04
Virtualization system: KVM/libvirt (4.0.0-1ubunt)/virt-manager (1.5.1-0ubu)

Created a KVM virtual machine:

Ubuntu 18.04 distribution (ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso).
Memory: 4096 Mb
Disk size: 25 GB
Installation Language: English (US)
Installation option: Normal installation
User: user

Logged in from the host machine to the test virtual machine via ssh by user "user":

inna@Inna-PC:~$ ssh user@

Moved to the eve directory

user@user-KVM:~$ cd eve

Run git pull

user@user-KVM:~/eve$ git pull
Already up to date.

Run make test

user@user-KVM:~/eve$ sudo make test 2>&1 | tee ~/eve_make_test.001.log
[sudo] password for user:
Creating go builder image for user root
eve-build-root docker container is ready to use
mkdir -p /home/user/eve/dist/amd64
Running tests on
∅  agentlog
∅  cast
∅  cmd/baseosmgr
∅  cmd/client
∅  cmd/conntrack
∅  cmd/dataplane
∅  cmd/diag
∅  cmd/domainmgr
∅  cmd/downloader
∅  cmd/hardwaremodel
∅  cmd/identitymgr
∅  cmd/ipcmonitor
∅  cmd/ledmanager
∅  cmd/logmanager
∅  cmd/nim
∅  cmd/nodeagent
∅  cmd/tpmmgr
∅  cmd/vaultmgr
∅  cmd/verifier
∅  cmd/waitforaddr
∅  cmd/wstunnelclient
∅  cmd/zedagent
∅  cmd/zedmanager
∅  cmd/zedrouter
∅  dataplane/dptypes
∅  dataplane/etr
∅  dataplane/fib
∅  dataplane/itr
∅  devicenetwork
∅  diskmetrics
∅  flextimer
✓  hardware (8ms)
∅  iptables
∅  netclone
∅  pidfile
✓  pubsub (8ms)
∅  sema
∅  ssh
∅  testprograms/testverifier
✓  types (16ms)
∅  utils
∅  uuidtonum
∅  watch
∅  wrap
∅  zboot
∅  zedUpload
∅  zedUpload/awsutil
∅  zedUpload/azureutil
∅  zedUpload/httputil
∅  zedUpload/sftputil
∅  zedbox
∅  zedcloud
✓  zedpac (10.002s)

DONE 19 tests in 149.858s


Full test log