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Интеграционные тесты runv

by Petr Fedchenkov last modified Dec 27, 2019 11:14 AM
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-72-generic x86_64)
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  System information as of Wed Dec 25 11:18:40 UTC 2019
  System load:  1.43               Processes:             245
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 * Overheard at KubeCon: "microk8s.status just blew my mind".
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Last login: Wed Dec 25 10:39:20 2019 from
giggsoff@xenrunv:~$ sudo -i
[sudo] password for giggsoff:
root@xenrunv:~# cd ~/go/src/
root@xenrunv:~/go/src/ make go-integration
cd tests/go-integration/test_data && make
make[1]: Entering directory '/root/go/src/'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/go/src/'
cd tests/go-integration && go test -check.v -test.timeout=120m  .
PASS: spec_test.go:15: RunVSuite.Test00SpecDefault      0.422s
FAIL: exec_test.go:17: RunVSuite.TestExecHelloWorld
    out, exitCode := s.runvCommand(c, "exec", ctrName, "echo", "hello")
    c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("out: %s, exitCode: %d", out, exitCode))
... value *exec.ExitError = &exec.ExitError{ProcessState:(*os.ProcessState)(0xc0000f84e0), Stderr:[]uint8(nil)} ("exit status 255")
... out: open /run/runv/testExecHelloWorld/state.json: no such file or directory
, exitCode: 255
    c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("out: %s, exitCode: %d", out, exitCode))
... value *exec.ExitError = &exec.ExitError{ProcessState:(*os.ProcessState)(0xc0001ab8c0), Stderr:[]uint8(nil)} ("signal: terminated")
... out: , exitCode: -1
Test case RunVSuite.TestExecHelloWorld failed, retrieve runv log from directory /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/2:
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/2/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-105851.2183 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 10:58:51
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/2/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-105852.2215 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 10:58:52
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/2/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-105852.2207 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 10:58:52
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
FAIL: exec_test.go:95: RunVSuite.TestExecWithProcessJson
    out, exitCode := s.runvCommand(c, "exec", "-p", processPath, ctrName)
    c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("out: %s, exitCode: %d", out, exitCode))
... value *exec.ExitError = &exec.ExitError{ProcessState:(*os.ProcessState)(0xc00000cee0), Stderr:[]uint8(nil)} ("signal: killed")
... out: , exitCode: -1
    c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("out: %s, exitCode: %d", out, exitCode))
... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"test timeout error, orgin exec error: signal: killed"} ("test timeout error, orgin exec error: signal: killed")
... out: , exitCode: -1
Test case RunVSuite.TestExecWithProcessJson failed, retrieve runv log from directory /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/3:
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/3/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-105905.2300 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 10:59:05
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 10:59:05.424359    2300 sandbox.go:29] Using kernel: /root/go/src/; Initrd: /root/go/src/; bios: ; cbfs: ;
I1225 10:59:05.824659    2300 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 10:59:05.840535    2300 xen.go:169] Start VM as domain 2
I1225 10:59:05.840818    2300 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/kata-agent.sock
I1225 10:59:05.840891    2300 sandbox.go:231] grpcSock stat: <nil>, err: &os.PathError{Op:"stat", Path:"/var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/kata-agent.sock", Err:0x2}
I1225 10:59:05.841172    2300 proxy.go:127] start proxy with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/3 proxy --vmid vm-odjDQXDajs --proxy-hyperstart /var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/kata-agent.sock --hyperstart-ctl-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/hyper.sock --hyperstart-stream-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/tty.sock]
I1225 10:59:05.842698    2300 proxy.go:133] createProxy succeeded with proxy pid: 2324
I1225 10:59:05.883990    2300 vm.go:568] VM[vm-odjDQXDajs] GetVm succeeded
I1225 10:59:05.884063    2300 watcher.go:93] start watcher with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/3 watcher --watch-vm-console /var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/console.sock --console-proto telnet --watch-hyperstart --watch-vm]
I1225 10:59:05.885272    2300 watcher.go:99] createWatcher succeeded with watcher pid: 2331
I1225 10:59:05.885584    2300 vm_states.go:158] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] startPod: sharetag:share_dir, &api.SandboxConfig{Hostname:"shell", Dns:[]string(nil), Neighbors:(*api.NeighborNetworks)(nil), DnsOptions:[]string(nil), DnsSearch:[]string(nil)}
I1225 10:59:15.034551    2300 vm_states.go:161] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] pod start successfully
I1225 10:59:15.034627    2300 sandbox.go:110] vm-odjDQXDajs init sandbox successfully
I1225 10:59:15.037498    2300 container.go:76] vm.AddContainer()
I1225 10:59:15.037639    2300 container.go:216] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] Con[TestExecWithProcessJson] all images and volume resources have been added to sandbox
I1225 10:59:15.037692    2300 vm_states.go:30] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] start sending create container
I1225 10:59:15.055733    2300 vm_states.go:33] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] sent create container
I1225 10:59:15.055934    2300 shim.go:226] starting shim with args runv --root /run/runv --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/3/shim-TestExecWithProcessJson --debug shim --container TestExecWithProcessJson --process init --proxy-stdio --proxy-exit-code --proxy-signal
I1225 10:59:15.057682    2300 container.go:140] save state id TestExecWithProcessJson, boundle /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0
I1225 10:59:15.057949    2300 network.go:261] get exec path /usr/local/bin/runv
I1225 10:59:15.154789    2300 network.go:110] interface configuration for sandbox ns is []main.InterfaceInfo{}
I1225 10:59:15.155263    2300 network.go:314] nsListener pid is 2397
I1225 10:59:15.231041    2300 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 10:59:15.232620    2300 hypervisor.go:22] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] main event loop got message 9(COMMAND_RELEASE)
I1225 10:59:15.232632    2300 vm_states.go:214] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] pod is running, got release command, let VM fly
I1225 10:59:15.232642    2300 context.go:216] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] state change from RUNNING to 'NONE'
I1225 10:59:15.232651    2300 hypervisor.go:30] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] main event loop exiting
I1225 10:59:15.233992    2300 hypervisor.go:60] VM vm-odjDQXDajs trying to reload with serialized data: {"PersistVersion":20171210,"Id":"vm-odjDQXDajs","Paused":false,"DriverInfo":{"domid":2,"hypervisor":"xen"},"SandboxConfig":{"Hostname":"shell","Dns":null,"Neighbors":null,"DnsOptions":null,"DnsSearch":null},"HwStat":{"PciAddr":5,"ScsiId":0,"AttachId":0,"GuestCid":0},"VolumeList":[{"Name":"TestExecWithProcessJson","Filename":"TestExecWithProcessJson","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","DeviceName":"","ScsiId":0,"ContainerIds":["TestExecWithProcessJson"],"IsRootVol":true,"MontPoints":null}],"NetworkList":[],"PortList":[],"Containers":{"TestExecWithProcessJson":{"Id":"TestExecWithProcessJson","Name":"shell","Image":"","Labels":{},"StopSignal":"","RootVolume":{"Name":"TestExecWithProcessJson","Source":"TestExecWithProcessJson","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","Options":null,"DockerVolume":false,"ReadOnly":true},"RootPath":"rootfs","UGI":null,"Volumes":null,"Initialize":false,"OciSpec":{"ociVersion":"1.0.1","process":{"user":{"uid":0,"gid":0},"args":["sleep","10"],"env":["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin","TERM=xterm"],"cwd":"/"},"root":{"path":"","readonly":true},"hostname":"shell","linux":{"resources":{},"namespaces":[{"type":"pid"},{"type":"network"},{"type":"ipc"},{"type":"uts"}]}}}}}
I1225 10:59:15.234580    2300 hypervisor.go:69] VM vm-odjDQXDajs trying to reload with deserialized pinfo: &hypervisor.PersistInfo{PersistVersion:20171210, Id:"vm-odjDQXDajs", Paused:false, DriverInfo:map[string]interface {}{"domid":2, "hypervisor":"xen"}, SandboxConfig:(*api.SandboxConfig)(0xc0002b9440), HwStat:(*hypervisor.VmHwStatus)(0xc0002e6a80), VolumeList:[]*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo{(*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo)(0xc0002bf320)}, NetworkList:[]*hypervisor.PersistNetworkInfo{}, PortList:[]*api.PortDescription{}, Containers:map[string]*api.ContainerDescription{"TestExecWithProcessJson":(*api.ContainerDescription)(0xc000370000)}}
I1225 10:59:15.234874    2300 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/kata-agent.sock
I1225 10:59:15.235406    2300 vm_states.go:51] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] start sending INIT_NEWCONTAINER
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/3/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-105905.2324 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 10:59:05
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 10:59:05.870106    2324 proxy.go:66] agent.NewJsonBasedHyperstart
I1225 10:59:05.871175    2324 proxy.go:71] proxy.NewServer
I1225 10:59:05.871252    2324 proxy.go:80] net.Listen() to grpcsock: /var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/kata-agent.sock
I1225 10:59:05.871534    2324 proxy.go:87] proxy: grpc api on /var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/kata-agent.sock
I1225 10:59:05.892763    2324 hyperstart.go:180] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] Wating for init messages...
I1225 10:59:05.892849    2324 hyperstart.go:455] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] stream socket connected
I1225 10:59:14.746831    2324 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] got cmd:1
I1225 10:59:14.748252    2324 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] send command 1 to init, payload: '{"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}'.
I1225 10:59:14.748306    2324 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] write 51 to hyperstart.
I1225 10:59:14.748321    2324 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] got cmd:0
I1225 10:59:14.748337    2324 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] send command 0 to init, payload: 'null'.
I1225 10:59:15.033523    2324 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 10:59:15.033615    2324 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 10:59:15.033639    2324 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 0
I1225 10:59:15.033662    2324 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] got cmd:14
I1225 10:59:15.033671    2324 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 8
I1225 10:59:15.033678    2324 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] got cmd:14
I1225 10:59:15.033685    2324 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 51
I1225 10:59:15.033710    2324 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] write 12 to hyperstart.
I1225 10:59:15.033718    2324 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] got cmd:9
I1225 10:59:15.206893    2324 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 10:59:15.206949    2324 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 10:59:15.206982    2324 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 4
I1225 10:59:15.207006    2324 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] got cmd:14
I1225 10:59:15.207015    2324 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 8
I1225 10:59:15.207023    2324 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] got cmd:14
I1225 10:59:15.207030    2324 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 12
I1225 10:59:15.207037    2324 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] got cmd:9
I1225 10:59:15.207049    2324 hyperstart.go:203] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] hyperstart API version:4244, VM hyperstart API version: 4244
I1225 10:59:15.241158    2324 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] got cmd:17
I1225 10:59:15.241291    2324 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] send command 17 to init, payload: '{"id":"TestExecWithProcessJson","rootfs":"rootfs","image":"TestExecWithProcessJson","sysctl":{"vm.overcommit_memory":"1"},"process":{"id":"init","terminal":false,"stdio":1,"stderr":2,"args":["sleep","10"],"envs":[{"env":"PATH","value":"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"},{"env":"TERM","value":"xterm"}],"workdir":"/"},"restartPolicy":"never","initialize":false,"readOnly":true}'.
I1225 10:59:15.241339    2324 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-odjDQXDajs] write 413 to hyperstart.
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/3/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-105905.2331 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 10:59:05
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 10:59:05.916628    2331 watcher.go:46] watchHyperstart
I1225 10:59:05.917348    2331 watcher.go:50] watchConsole() sock: /var/run/hyper/vm-odjDQXDajs/console.sock
I1225 10:59:10.293883    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Linux version 4.12.4-hyper+ (teawater@teawater-virtual-machine) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) ) #1 SMP Thu Jul 19 11:23:27 CST 2018
I1225 10:59:10.304686    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 10:59:10.314147    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 10:59:10.334504    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers'
I1225 10:59:10.350641    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x002: 'SSE registers'
I1225 10:59:10.366876    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x004: 'AVX registers'
I1225 10:59:10.382368    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: xstate_offset[2]:  576, xstate_sizes[2]:  256
I1225 10:59:10.407697    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Enabled xstate features 0x7, context size is 832 bytes, using 'standard' format.
I1225 10:59:10.418575    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
I1225 10:59:10.436042    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable
I1225 10:59:10.455050    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved
I1225 10:59:10.474604    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000f0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved
I1225 10:59:10.493337    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff] usable
I1225 10:59:10.512617    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000007fff000-0x0000000007ffffff] reserved
I1225 10:59:10.531376    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fc000000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
I1225 10:59:10.545018    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
I1225 10:59:10.553140    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SMBIOS 2.4 present.
I1225 10:59:10.567129    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: DMI: Xen HVM domU, BIOS 4.9.2 04/16/2018
I1225 10:59:10.578383    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hypervisor detected: Xen HVM
I1225 10:59:10.583822    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Xen version 4.9.
I1225 10:59:10.610876    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Netfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated NICs.
I1225 10:59:10.642917    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Blkfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated disks.
I1225 10:59:10.654551    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: You might have to change the root device
I1225 10:59:10.664356    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: from /dev/hd[a-d] to /dev/xvd[a-d]
I1225 10:59:10.675864    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: in your root= kernel command line option
I1225 10:59:10.685651    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 10:59:10.696150    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 10:59:10.708943    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: No reference (HPET/PMTIMER) available
I1225 10:59:10.724389    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: last_pfn = 0x7fff max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
I1225 10:59:10.742441    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB  WC  UC- UC  WB  WC  UC- WT
I1225 10:59:10.753342    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAMDISK: [mem 0x078cf000-0x07feffff]
I1225 10:59:10.767365    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled
I1225 10:59:10.781936    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F6BB0 000024 (v02 Xen   )
I1225 10:59:10.804881    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000FC00A390 00004C (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 10:59:10.828033    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACP 0x00000000FC00A1A0 0000F4 (v04 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 10:59:10.850379    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000FC001170 008FAC (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 10:59:10.861141    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 10:59:10.872136    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 10:59:10.894553    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET 0x00000000FC00A2A0 000038 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 10:59:10.917386    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: WAET 0x00000000FC00A2E0 000028 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 10:59:10.939728    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A310 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 10:59:10.962422    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A350 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 10:59:10.970503    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: No NUMA configuration found
I1225 10:59:10.988024    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Faking a node at [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 10:59:11.002689    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x078bd000-0x078cefff]
I1225 10:59:11.007230    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Zone ranges:
I1225 10:59:11.022790    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA      [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff]
I1225 10:59:11.038317    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA32    [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 10:59:11.043330    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   Normal   empty
I1225 10:59:11.052934    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Movable zone start for each node
I1225 10:59:11.060556    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Early memory node ranges
I1225 10:59:11.076637    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff]
I1225 10:59:11.093848    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 10:59:11.112407    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 10:59:11.121414    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0xb008
I1225 10:59:11.133482    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
I1225 10:59:11.145749    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Boot CPU (id 0) not listed by BIOS
I1225 10:59:11.157461    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
I1225 10:59:11.174805    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: [mem 0x08000000-0xfbffffff] available for PCI devices
I1225 10:59:11.187717    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Booting paravirtualized kernel on Xen HVM
I1225 10:59:11.218024    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1910969940391419 ns
I1225 10:59:11.238285    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:64 nr_cpumask_bits:64 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1
I1225 10:59:11.260428    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: percpu: Embedded 36 pages/cpu @ffff880007600000 s109656 r8192 d29608 u2097152
I1225 10:59:11.277885    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PV qspinlock hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 10:59:11.299606    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 32136
I1225 10:59:11.305865    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Policy zone: DMA32
I1225 10:59:11.319000    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 10:59:11.334246    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 10:59:11.372366    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Memory: 110264K/130676K available (5302K kernel code, 557K rwdata, 1640K rodata, 1216K init, 668K bss, 20412K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
I1225 10:59:11.382222    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hierarchical RCU implementation.
I1225 10:59:11.397965    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:         RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=64 to nr_cpu_ids=1.
I1225 10:59:11.416001    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=1
I1225 10:59:11.424748    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NR_IRQS:4352 nr_irqs:32 16
I1225 10:59:11.435103    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Using FIFO-based ABI
I1225 10:59:11.455792    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Xen HVM callback vector for event delivery is enabled
I1225 10:59:11.466930    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Console: colour dummy device 80x25
I1225 10:59:11.474989    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: console [ttyS0] enabled
I1225 10:59:11.503008    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: hpet: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 30580167144 ns
I1225 10:59:11.514453    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 10:59:11.562581    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 10:59:11.576068    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: HPET/PMTIMER calibration failed
I1225 10:59:11.589850    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Detected 1999.832 MHz processor
I1225 10:59:11.621954    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3999.66 BogoMIPS (lpj=1999832)
I1225 10:59:11.636435    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
I1225 10:59:11.646127    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Core revision 20170303
I1225 10:59:11.672150    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: 3 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded
I1225 10:59:11.685392    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: setting ELCR to 0200 (from 0c20)
I1225 10:59:11.704427    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
I1225 10:59:11.723392    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
I1225 10:59:11.741947    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 10:59:11.761641    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 10:59:11.770822    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: random: fast init done
I1225 10:59:11.782054    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 10:59:11.792072    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
I1225 10:59:11.800698    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
I1225 10:59:11.814415    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8
I1225 10:59:11.831441    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 32, 4MB 32, 1GB 0
I1225 10:59:11.852025    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 24K
I1225 10:59:11.863776    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Max logical packages: 1
I1225 10:59:11.875757    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP motherboard not detected
I1225 10:59:11.883696    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP disabled
I1225 10:59:11.901301    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Not enabling interrupt remapping due to skipped IO-APIC setup
I1225 10:59:11.931363    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: xen: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x1cd42e4dffb, max_idle_ns: 881590591483 ns
I1225 10:59:11.944439    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: installing Xen timer for CPU 0
I1225 10:59:11.954873    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpu 0 spinlock event irq 21
I1225 10:59:11.978999    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 45 no PMU driver, software events only.
I1225 10:59:11.990178    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
I1225 10:59:12.000963    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU
I1225 10:59:12.019513    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (3999.66 BogoMIPS)
I1225 10:59:12.040055    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: sched_clock: Marking stable (447000000, 0)->(76827849201, -76380849201)
I1225 10:59:12.046874    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: devtmpfs: initialized
I1225 10:59:12.056780    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB
I1225 10:59:12.086001    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275000 ns
I1225 10:59:12.101576    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 10:59:12.112378    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 16
I1225 10:59:12.122677    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor ladder
I1225 10:59:12.131329    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor menu
I1225 10:59:12.138059    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCCT header not found.
I1225 10:59:12.146798    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: bus type PCI registered
I1225 10:59:12.163615    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
I1225 10:59:12.177853    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
I1225 10:59:12.188265    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
I1225 10:59:12.198631    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
I1225 10:59:12.209960    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
I1225 10:59:12.222961    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
I1225 10:59:12.239777    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Interpreter enabled
I1225 10:59:12.247588    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: (supports S0 S5)
I1225 10:59:12.258414    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Using PIC for interrupt routing
I1225 10:59:12.283233    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
I1225 10:59:12.311952    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
I1225 10:59:12.328585    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [ASPM ClockPM Segments]
I1225 10:59:12.349523    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM
I1225 10:59:12.361210    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [3] registered
I1225 10:59:12.371956    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [4] registered
I1225 10:59:12.382463    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [5] registered
I1225 10:59:12.394100    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [6] registered
I1225 10:59:12.404826    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [7] registered
I1225 10:59:12.416587    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [8] registered
I1225 10:59:12.427127    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [9] registered
I1225 10:59:12.437832    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [10] registered
I1225 10:59:12.447275    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [11] registered
I1225 10:59:12.456476    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [12] registered
I1225 10:59:12.465685    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [13] registered
I1225 10:59:12.474974    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [14] registered
I1225 10:59:12.484320    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [15] registered
I1225 10:59:12.493533    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [16] registered
I1225 10:59:12.502692    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [17] registered
I1225 10:59:12.511918    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [18] registered
I1225 10:59:12.521356    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [19] registered
I1225 10:59:12.530578    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [20] registered
I1225 10:59:12.539887    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [21] registered
I1225 10:59:12.548935    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [22] registered
I1225 10:59:12.557790    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [23] registered
I1225 10:59:12.566662    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [24] registered
I1225 10:59:12.575695    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [25] registered
I1225 10:59:12.584836    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [26] registered
I1225 10:59:12.593898    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [27] registered
I1225 10:59:12.604288    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [28] registered
I1225 10:59:12.615690    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [29] registered
I1225 10:59:12.626039    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [30] registered
I1225 10:59:12.636409    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [31] registered
I1225 10:59:12.646361    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
I1225 10:59:12.664501    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
I1225 10:59:12.682536    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0d00-0xffff window]
I1225 10:59:12.702826    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
I1225 10:59:12.723881    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf0000000-0xfbffffff window]
I1225 10:59:12.737830    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
I1225 10:59:12.797246    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io  0x01f0-0x01f7]
I1225 10:59:12.814386    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io  0x03f6]
I1225 10:59:12.833510    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io  0x0170-0x0177]
I1225 10:59:12.850184    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io  0x0376]
I1225 10:59:12.882116    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb000-0xb03f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI
I1225 10:59:12.901439    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb100-0xb10f] claimed by PIIX4 SMB
I1225 10:59:13.016938    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 10:59:13.032211    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 5 *10 11)
I1225 10:59:13.048052    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 5 10 *11)
I1225 10:59:13.063311    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 10:59:13.077757    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Enabled 2 GPEs in block 00 to 0F
I1225 10:59:13.090020    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:balloon: Initialising balloon driver
I1225 10:59:13.100109    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: vgaarb: loaded
I1225 10:59:13.108417    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SCSI subsystem initialized
I1225 10:59:13.117862    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
I1225 10:59:13.140209    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: HPET: 3 timers in total, 0 timers will be used for per-cpu timer
I1225 10:59:13.152703    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: Switched to clocksource xen
I1225 10:59:13.159901    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI init
I1225 10:59:13.178076    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:00: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved
I1225 10:59:13.194552    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x08a0-0x08a3] has been reserved
I1225 10:59:13.209618    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x0cc0-0x0ccf] has been reserved
I1225 10:59:13.224473    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved
I1225 10:59:13.239744    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xae00-0xae0f] has been reserved
I1225 10:59:13.254517    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xb044-0xb047] has been reserved
I1225 10:59:13.266376    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI: found 8 devices
I1225 10:59:13.298766    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns
I1225 10:59:13.309347    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 2
I1225 10:59:13.328784    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 10:59:13.346346    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 10:59:13.366486    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
I1225 10:59:13.381321    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 10:59:13.397699    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 10:59:13.408140    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 1
I1225 10:59:13.423336    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers
I1225 10:59:13.439606    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release
I1225 10:59:13.457543    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds
I1225 10:59:13.474208    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
I1225 10:59:13.628437    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing initrd memory: 7300K
I1225 10:59:13.653322    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: API unit is 2^-32 Joules, 3 fixed counters, 10737418240 ms ovfl timer
I1225 10:59:13.668416    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain pp0-core 2^-0 Joules
I1225 10:59:13.682779    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain package 2^-0 Joules
I1225 10:59:13.696503    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain dram 2^-0 Joules
I1225 10:59:13.713615    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: workingset: timestamp_bits=37 max_order=15 bucket_order=0
I1225 10:59:13.731207    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, no debug enabled
I1225 10:59:13.744898    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9p: Installing v9fs 9p2000 file system support
I1225 10:59:13.771571    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 253)
I1225 10:59:13.780062    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler noop registered
I1225 10:59:13.790827    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler cfq registered (default)
I1225 10:59:13.801106    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler mq-deadline registered
I1225 10:59:13.809762    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler kyber registered
I1225 10:59:13.825408    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 10:59:13.861784    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 10:59:13.897843    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 11
I1225 10:59:13.913158    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:grant_table: Grant tables using version 1 layout
I1225 10:59:13.920481    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Grant table initialized
I1225 10:59:13.936142    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
I1225 10:59:14.019907    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 00:06: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A
I1225 10:59:14.192978    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: brd: module loaded
I1225 10:59:14.199191    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: loop: module loaded
I1225 10:59:14.213262    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Invalid max_queues (4), will use default max: 1.
I1225 10:59:14.228838    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen_netfront: Initialising Xen virtual ethernet driver
I1225 10:59:14.245532    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
I1225 10:59:14.265514    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: alarms up to one day, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
I1225 10:59:14.275103    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initializing XFRM netlink socket
I1225 10:59:14.285035    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 10
I1225 10:59:14.292897    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Segment Routing with IPv6
I1225 10:59:14.302871    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 17
I1225 10:59:14.311486    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Bridge firewalling registered
I1225 10:59:14.321368    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9pnet: Installing 9P2000 support
I1225 10:59:14.331723    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initialising Xen transport for 9pfs
I1225 10:59:14.348405    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: registered taskstats version 1
I1225 10:59:14.370347    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xenbus_probe_frontend: Device with no driver: device/vkbd/0
I1225 10:59:14.391804    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: setting system clock to 2019-12-25 10:59:14 UTC (1577271554)
I1225 10:59:14.408811    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 1216K
I1225 10:59:14.422781    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 8192k
I1225 10:59:14.433667    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 828K
I1225 10:59:14.445414    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 408K
I1225 10:59:14.456463    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rodata_test: all tests were successful
I1225 10:59:14.475587    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 10:59:14.486300    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: < Hyperstart Version: 1.1.0, commit: v1.1.0
I1225 10:59:14.501890    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 10:59:14.508014    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.04 0.04
I1225 10:59:14.518873    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/shm
I1225 10:59:14.526625    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/pts
I1225 10:59:14.537044    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:00.0
I1225 10:59:14.549254    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 10:59:14.559807    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.3
I1225 10:59:14.572083    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 10:59:14.582545    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:03.0
I1225 10:59:14.594023    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 3
I1225 10:59:14.604465    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.1
I1225 10:59:14.616645    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 10:59:14.627045    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:02.0
I1225 10:59:14.638874    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 5853 ID: 1
I1225 10:59:14.649610    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.0
I1225 10:59:14.664343    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 10:59:14.678410    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:04.0
I1225 10:59:14.692256    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 9
I1225 10:59:14.700591    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cannot find vsock device
I1225 10:59:14.709833    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p1
I1225 10:59:14.718919    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p2
I1225 10:59:14.729516    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ctl: /dev/vport0p1, tty: /dev/vport0p2
I1225 10:59:14.737392    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p1 get 3
I1225 10:59:14.744844    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: send ready message
I1225 10:59:14.754111    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p2 get 4
I1225 10:59:14.772059    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ctlfd event 0x37fc2b3a8, ops 0x37fc2b080, fd 3
I1225 10:59:14.783628    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 3, 0x37fc2b080
I1225 10:59:14.799772    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ttyfd event 0x37fc2b3e8, ops 0x37fc2b060, fd 4
I1225 10:59:14.813066    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 4, 0x37fc2b060
I1225 10:59:14.826367    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 6, 0x37fc2b320
I1225 10:59:14.843767    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0x37fc2b3a8, fd 3, 0x37fc2b080
I1225 10:59:14.853974    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 10:59:14.870714    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x37fc2b3a8, event 8197
I1225 10:59:14.880875    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 51
I1225 10:59:14.890597    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 10:59:14.900956    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 1, len 51
I1225 10:59:14.918813    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: call hyper_start_pod, json {"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}, len 43
I1225 10:59:14.926134    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp
I1225 10:59:14.935196    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper
I1225 10:59:14.946795    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: finish rescan
I1225 10:59:14.956864    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shared
I1225 10:59:14.969868    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shm
I1225 10:59:14.976715    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pod init pid 74
I1225 10:59:14.986658    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send pod inited event: normal
I1225 10:59:14.997336    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/hyperstart
I1225 10:59:15.003463    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.53 0.04
I1225 10:59:15.015478    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 0
I1225 10:59:15.031646    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0x37fc2b3a8, fd 3, 0x37fc2b080
I1225 10:59:15.053049    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x37fc2b3a8, event 8193
I1225 10:59:15.082805    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0x37fc2b4a8, fd 6, 0x37fc2b320
I1225 10:59:15.103588    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0x37fc2b3a8, fd 3, 0x37fc2b080
I1225 10:59:15.113167    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 10:59:15.130166    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x37fc2b3a8, event 8197
I1225 10:59:15.141854    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 12
I1225 10:59:15.155953    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 10:59:15.173358    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 0, len 12
I1225 10:59:15.185080    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 4
I1225 10:59:15.204730    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0x37fc2b3a8, fd 3, 0x37fc2b080
I1225 10:59:15.224670    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x37fc2b3a8, event 8193
I1225 10:59:15.242190    2331 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 73 exit normally, status 0
PASS: exec_test.go:46: RunVSuite.TestExecWithTty        24.893s
PASS: kill_test.go:11: RunVSuite.TestKillKILL   13.820s
PASS: list_test.go:23: RunVSuite.TestListSleep  23.834s
FAIL: list_test.go:51: RunVSuite.TestListSleepJson
    c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, ctrName)
... obtained string = "[{\"ociVersion\":\"1.0.1\",\"id\":\"TestExecWithProcessJson\",\"pid\":2396,\"status\":\"stopped\",\"bundle\":\"/tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0\",\"rootfs\":\"/tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0/rootfs\",\"created\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\",\"owner\":\"root\"}]"
... substring string = "testListSleepJson"
    c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("out: %s, exitCode: %d", out, exitCode))
... value *exec.ExitError = &exec.ExitError{ProcessState:(*os.ProcessState)(0xc0002550e0), Stderr:[]uint8(nil)} ("signal: terminated")
... out: , exitCode: -1
Test case RunVSuite.TestListSleepJson failed, retrieve runv log from directory /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/7:
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/7/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110051.2891 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:00:51
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/7/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110052.2914 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:00:52
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/7/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110052.2921 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:00:52
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
FAIL: maskpath_test.go:32: RunVSuite.TestMaskDir
    out, exitCode := s.runvCommand(c, "run", "--bundle", s.bundlePath, "testMaskDir")
    c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("out: %s, exitCode: %d", out, exitCode))
... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"test timeout error, orgin exec error: signal: killed"} ("test timeout error, orgin exec error: signal: killed")
... out: , exitCode: -1
Test case RunVSuite.TestMaskDir failed, retrieve runv log from directory /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/8:
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/8/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110105.3274 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:01:05
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:01:05.203203    3274 sandbox.go:29] Using kernel: /root/go/src/; Initrd: /root/go/src/; bios: ; cbfs: ;
I1225 11:01:05.628232    3274 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:01:05.644296    3274 xen.go:169] Start VM as domain 7
I1225 11:01:05.644495    3274 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:01:05.644570    3274 sandbox.go:231] grpcSock stat: <nil>, err: &os.PathError{Op:"stat", Path:"/var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/kata-agent.sock", Err:0x2}
I1225 11:01:05.644777    3274 proxy.go:127] start proxy with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/8 proxy --vmid vm-ltCUXFiKlz --proxy-hyperstart /var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/kata-agent.sock --hyperstart-ctl-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/hyper.sock --hyperstart-stream-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/tty.sock]
I1225 11:01:05.646322    3274 proxy.go:133] createProxy succeeded with proxy pid: 3292
I1225 11:01:05.687407    3274 vm.go:568] VM[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] GetVm succeeded
I1225 11:01:05.687439    3274 watcher.go:93] start watcher with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/8 watcher --watch-vm-console /var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/console.sock --console-proto telnet --watch-hyperstart --watch-vm]
I1225 11:01:05.689200    3274 watcher.go:99] createWatcher succeeded with watcher pid: 3299
I1225 11:01:05.689230    3274 vm_states.go:158] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] startPod: sharetag:share_dir, &api.SandboxConfig{Hostname:"shell", Dns:[]string(nil), Neighbors:(*api.NeighborNetworks)(nil), DnsOptions:[]string(nil), DnsSearch:[]string(nil)}
I1225 11:01:14.985659    3274 vm_states.go:161] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] pod start successfully
I1225 11:01:14.985733    3274 sandbox.go:110] vm-ltCUXFiKlz init sandbox successfully
I1225 11:01:15.015859    3274 container.go:76] vm.AddContainer()
I1225 11:01:15.016139    3274 container.go:216] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] Con[testMaskDir] all images and volume resources have been added to sandbox
I1225 11:01:15.016184    3274 vm_states.go:30] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] start sending create container
I1225 11:01:15.018126    3274 vm_states.go:33] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] sent create container
I1225 11:01:15.018250    3274 shim.go:226] starting shim with args runv --root /run/runv --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/8/shim-testMaskDir --debug shim --container testMaskDir --process init --proxy-stdio --proxy-exit-code --proxy-signal
I1225 11:01:15.020299    3274 container.go:140] save state id testMaskDir, boundle /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0
I1225 11:01:15.020539    3274 network.go:261] get exec path /usr/local/bin/runv
I1225 11:01:15.059323    3274 network.go:110] interface configuration for sandbox ns is []main.InterfaceInfo{}
I1225 11:01:15.059743    3274 network.go:314] nsListener pid is 3311
I1225 11:01:15.070182    3274 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:01:15.070865    3274 hypervisor.go:22] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] main event loop got message 9(COMMAND_RELEASE)
I1225 11:01:15.070878    3274 vm_states.go:214] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] pod is running, got release command, let VM fly
I1225 11:01:15.070888    3274 context.go:216] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] state change from RUNNING to 'NONE'
I1225 11:01:15.070897    3274 hypervisor.go:30] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] main event loop exiting
I1225 11:01:15.071459    3274 hypervisor.go:60] VM vm-ltCUXFiKlz trying to reload with serialized data: {"PersistVersion":20171210,"Id":"vm-ltCUXFiKlz","Paused":false,"DriverInfo":{"domid":7,"hypervisor":"xen"},"SandboxConfig":{"Hostname":"shell","Dns":null,"Neighbors":null,"DnsOptions":null,"DnsSearch":null},"HwStat":{"PciAddr":5,"ScsiId":0,"AttachId":0,"GuestCid":0},"VolumeList":[{"Name":"testMaskDir","Filename":"testMaskDir","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","DeviceName":"","ScsiId":0,"ContainerIds":["testMaskDir"],"IsRootVol":true,"MontPoints":null}],"NetworkList":[],"PortList":[],"Containers":{"testMaskDir":{"Id":"testMaskDir","Name":"shell","Image":"","Labels":{},"StopSignal":"","RootVolume":{"Name":"testMaskDir","Source":"testMaskDir","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","Options":null,"DockerVolume":false,"ReadOnly":true},"RootPath":"rootfs","UGI":null,"Volumes":null,"Initialize":false,"OciSpec":{"ociVersion":"1.0.1","process":{"user":{"uid":0,"gid":0},"args":["ls","/testdata"],"env":["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin","TERM=xterm"],"cwd":"/"},"root":{"path":"","readonly":true},"hostname":"shell","linux":{"resources":{},"namespaces":[{"type":"pid"},{"type":"network"},{"type":"ipc"},{"type":"uts"}],"maskedPaths":["/testdata"]}}}}}
I1225 11:01:15.071711    3274 hypervisor.go:69] VM vm-ltCUXFiKlz trying to reload with deserialized pinfo: &hypervisor.PersistInfo{PersistVersion:20171210, Id:"vm-ltCUXFiKlz", Paused:false, DriverInfo:map[string]interface {}{"domid":7, "hypervisor":"xen"}, SandboxConfig:(*api.SandboxConfig)(0xc0001bd500), HwStat:(*hypervisor.VmHwStatus)(0xc00025aca0), VolumeList:[]*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo{(*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo)(0xc00031b200)}, NetworkList:[]*hypervisor.PersistNetworkInfo{}, PortList:[]*api.PortDescription{}, Containers:map[string]*api.ContainerDescription{"testMaskDir":(*api.ContainerDescription)(0xc00034c000)}}
I1225 11:01:15.071807    3274 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:01:15.071864    3274 vm_states.go:51] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] start sending INIT_NEWCONTAINER
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/8/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110105.3299 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:01:05
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:01:05.714156    3299 watcher.go:46] watchHyperstart
I1225 11:01:05.714833    3299 watcher.go:50] watchConsole() sock: /var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/console.sock
I1225 11:01:10.075239    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Linux version 4.12.4-hyper+ (teawater@teawater-virtual-machine) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) ) #1 SMP Thu Jul 19 11:23:27 CST 2018
I1225 11:01:10.085872    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 11:01:10.094906    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 11:01:10.115250    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers'
I1225 11:01:10.130997    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x002: 'SSE registers'
I1225 11:01:10.146638    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x004: 'AVX registers'
I1225 11:01:10.161772    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: xstate_offset[2]:  576, xstate_sizes[2]:  256
I1225 11:01:10.186249    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Enabled xstate features 0x7, context size is 832 bytes, using 'standard' format.
I1225 11:01:10.196842    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
I1225 11:01:10.213819    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable
I1225 11:01:10.231388    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved
I1225 11:01:10.249572    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000f0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved
I1225 11:01:10.266343    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff] usable
I1225 11:01:10.283850    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000007fff000-0x0000000007ffffff] reserved
I1225 11:01:10.301270    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fc000000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
I1225 11:01:10.312519    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
I1225 11:01:10.318747    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SMBIOS 2.4 present.
I1225 11:01:10.332398    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: DMI: Xen HVM domU, BIOS 4.9.2 04/16/2018
I1225 11:01:10.342588    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hypervisor detected: Xen HVM
I1225 11:01:10.348830    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Xen version 4.9.
I1225 11:01:10.377994    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Netfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated NICs.
I1225 11:01:10.405221    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Blkfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated disks.
I1225 11:01:10.416623    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: You might have to change the root device
I1225 11:01:10.426293    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: from /dev/hd[a-d] to /dev/xvd[a-d]
I1225 11:01:10.437619    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: in your root= kernel command line option
I1225 11:01:10.448049    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 11:01:10.459956    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 11:01:10.474374    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: No reference (HPET/PMTIMER) available
I1225 11:01:10.491056    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: last_pfn = 0x7fff max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
I1225 11:01:10.511726    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB  WC  UC- UC  WB  WC  UC- WT
I1225 11:01:10.524342    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAMDISK: [mem 0x078cf000-0x07feffff]
I1225 11:01:10.540422    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled
I1225 11:01:10.556972    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F6BB0 000024 (v02 Xen   )
I1225 11:01:10.584094    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000FC00A390 00004C (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:01:10.607959    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACP 0x00000000FC00A1A0 0000F4 (v04 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:01:10.630304    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000FC001170 008FAC (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:01:10.640794    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 11:01:10.651420    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 11:01:10.674174    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET 0x00000000FC00A2A0 000038 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:01:10.696534    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: WAET 0x00000000FC00A2E0 000028 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:01:10.718833    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A310 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:01:10.741280    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A350 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:01:10.749237    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: No NUMA configuration found
I1225 11:01:10.766058    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Faking a node at [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:01:10.780026    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x078bd000-0x078cefff]
I1225 11:01:10.784119    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Zone ranges:
I1225 11:01:10.799187    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA      [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff]
I1225 11:01:10.814841    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA32    [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:01:10.820035    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   Normal   empty
I1225 11:01:10.829617    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Movable zone start for each node
I1225 11:01:10.837148    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Early memory node ranges
I1225 11:01:10.852913    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff]
I1225 11:01:10.868649    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:01:10.886750    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:01:10.896544    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0xb008
I1225 11:01:10.910664    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
I1225 11:01:10.924792    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Boot CPU (id 0) not listed by BIOS
I1225 11:01:10.936272    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
I1225 11:01:10.952592    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: [mem 0x08000000-0xfbffffff] available for PCI devices
I1225 11:01:10.964375    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Booting paravirtualized kernel on Xen HVM
I1225 11:01:10.992723    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1910969940391419 ns
I1225 11:01:11.012731    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:64 nr_cpumask_bits:64 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1
I1225 11:01:11.034624    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: percpu: Embedded 36 pages/cpu @ffff880007600000 s109656 r8192 d29608 u2097152
I1225 11:01:11.052121    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PV qspinlock hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:01:11.074948    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 32136
I1225 11:01:11.080916    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Policy zone: DMA32
I1225 11:01:11.093900    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 11:01:11.108604    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:01:11.147703    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Memory: 110264K/130676K available (5302K kernel code, 557K rwdata, 1640K rodata, 1216K init, 668K bss, 20412K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
I1225 11:01:11.157878    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hierarchical RCU implementation.
I1225 11:01:11.176203    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:         RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=64 to nr_cpu_ids=1.
I1225 11:01:11.194284    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=1
I1225 11:01:11.202774    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NR_IRQS:4352 nr_irqs:32 16
I1225 11:01:11.212818    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Using FIFO-based ABI
I1225 11:01:11.232245    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Xen HVM callback vector for event delivery is enabled
I1225 11:01:11.242480    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Console: colour dummy device 80x25
I1225 11:01:11.249982    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: console [ttyS0] enabled
I1225 11:01:11.276119    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: hpet: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 30580167144 ns
I1225 11:01:11.287670    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 11:01:11.336100    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 11:01:11.348124    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: HPET/PMTIMER calibration failed
I1225 11:01:11.360303    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Detected 1999.832 MHz processor
I1225 11:01:11.394996    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3999.66 BogoMIPS (lpj=1999832)
I1225 11:01:11.411065    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
I1225 11:01:11.422182    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Core revision 20170303
I1225 11:01:11.451250    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: 3 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded
I1225 11:01:11.465891    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: setting ELCR to 0200 (from 0c20)
I1225 11:01:11.489443    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
I1225 11:01:11.510849    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
I1225 11:01:11.530192    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:01:11.540031    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: random: fast init done
I1225 11:01:11.560078    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:01:11.573867    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 11:01:11.584880    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
I1225 11:01:11.594030    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
I1225 11:01:11.608921    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8
I1225 11:01:11.628727    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 32, 4MB 32, 1GB 0
I1225 11:01:11.650172    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 24K
I1225 11:01:11.663508    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Max logical packages: 1
I1225 11:01:11.676890    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP motherboard not detected
I1225 11:01:11.685735    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP disabled
I1225 11:01:11.704844    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Not enabling interrupt remapping due to skipped IO-APIC setup
I1225 11:01:11.737272    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: xen: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x1cd42e4dffb, max_idle_ns: 881590591483 ns
I1225 11:01:11.750741    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: installing Xen timer for CPU 0
I1225 11:01:11.767135    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpu 0 spinlock event irq 21
I1225 11:01:11.798895    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 45 no PMU driver, software events only.
I1225 11:01:11.810699    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
I1225 11:01:11.820431    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU
I1225 11:01:11.838454    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (3999.66 BogoMIPS)
I1225 11:01:11.860767    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: sched_clock: Marking stable (481000000, 0)->(196650212912, -196169212912)
I1225 11:01:11.868244    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: devtmpfs: initialized
I1225 11:01:11.878770    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB
I1225 11:01:11.909214    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275000 ns
I1225 11:01:11.925830    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 11:01:11.937347    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 16
I1225 11:01:11.948496    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor ladder
I1225 11:01:11.957566    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor menu
I1225 11:01:11.965385    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCCT header not found.
I1225 11:01:11.974972    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: bus type PCI registered
I1225 11:01:11.992343    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
I1225 11:01:12.007364    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
I1225 11:01:12.018793    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
I1225 11:01:12.029459    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
I1225 11:01:12.040763    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
I1225 11:01:12.054752    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
I1225 11:01:12.071678    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Interpreter enabled
I1225 11:01:12.078920    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: (supports S0 S5)
I1225 11:01:12.090054    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Using PIC for interrupt routing
I1225 11:01:12.115069    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
I1225 11:01:12.142992    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
I1225 11:01:12.160074    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [ASPM ClockPM Segments]
I1225 11:01:12.178180    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM
I1225 11:01:12.188096    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [3] registered
I1225 11:01:12.196908    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [4] registered
I1225 11:01:12.205713    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [5] registered
I1225 11:01:12.214397    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [6] registered
I1225 11:01:12.223151    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [7] registered
I1225 11:01:12.231884    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [8] registered
I1225 11:01:12.240756    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [9] registered
I1225 11:01:12.249825    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [10] registered
I1225 11:01:12.259202    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [11] registered
I1225 11:01:12.268512    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [12] registered
I1225 11:01:12.277570    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [13] registered
I1225 11:01:12.287716    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [14] registered
I1225 11:01:12.296945    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [15] registered
I1225 11:01:12.306150    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [16] registered
I1225 11:01:12.315498    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [17] registered
I1225 11:01:12.324846    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [18] registered
I1225 11:01:12.334239    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [19] registered
I1225 11:01:12.343756    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [20] registered
I1225 11:01:12.353178    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [21] registered
I1225 11:01:12.362407    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [22] registered
I1225 11:01:12.371625    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [23] registered
I1225 11:01:12.381123    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [24] registered
I1225 11:01:12.390412    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [25] registered
I1225 11:01:12.400141    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [26] registered
I1225 11:01:12.411239    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [27] registered
I1225 11:01:12.422140    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [28] registered
I1225 11:01:12.432740    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [29] registered
I1225 11:01:12.443260    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [30] registered
I1225 11:01:12.454025    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [31] registered
I1225 11:01:12.467901    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
I1225 11:01:12.490324    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
I1225 11:01:12.513276    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0d00-0xffff window]
I1225 11:01:12.536372    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
I1225 11:01:12.559385    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf0000000-0xfbffffff window]
I1225 11:01:12.575070    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
I1225 11:01:12.643008    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io  0x01f0-0x01f7]
I1225 11:01:12.662743    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io  0x03f6]
I1225 11:01:12.684355    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io  0x0170-0x0177]
I1225 11:01:12.703578    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io  0x0376]
I1225 11:01:12.738987    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb000-0xb03f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI
I1225 11:01:12.759003    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb100-0xb10f] claimed by PIIX4 SMB
I1225 11:01:12.879992    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 11:01:12.895556    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 5 *10 11)
I1225 11:01:12.911772    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 5 10 *11)
I1225 11:01:12.927287    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 11:01:12.941534    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Enabled 2 GPEs in block 00 to 0F
I1225 11:01:12.953524    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:balloon: Initialising balloon driver
I1225 11:01:12.963912    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: vgaarb: loaded
I1225 11:01:12.972642    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SCSI subsystem initialized
I1225 11:01:12.982590    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
I1225 11:01:13.005162    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: HPET: 3 timers in total, 0 timers will be used for per-cpu timer
I1225 11:01:13.017986    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: Switched to clocksource xen
I1225 11:01:13.025339    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI init
I1225 11:01:13.048344    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:00: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved
I1225 11:01:13.069537    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x08a0-0x08a3] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:13.088518    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x0cc0-0x0ccf] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:13.105552    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:13.123337    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xae00-0xae0f] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:13.139133    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xb044-0xb047] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:13.149889    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI: found 8 devices
I1225 11:01:13.181037    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns
I1225 11:01:13.191160    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 2
I1225 11:01:13.209608    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:01:13.226296    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 11:01:13.242560    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
I1225 11:01:13.257428    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:01:13.273739    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:01:13.284779    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 1
I1225 11:01:13.300172    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers
I1225 11:01:13.315507    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release
I1225 11:01:13.332041    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds
I1225 11:01:13.347657    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
I1225 11:01:13.508152    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing initrd memory: 7300K
I1225 11:01:13.532433    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: API unit is 2^-32 Joules, 3 fixed counters, 10737418240 ms ovfl timer
I1225 11:01:13.547916    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain pp0-core 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:01:13.563305    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain package 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:01:13.577448    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain dram 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:01:13.596935    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: workingset: timestamp_bits=37 max_order=15 bucket_order=0
I1225 11:01:13.614932    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, no debug enabled
I1225 11:01:13.632112    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9p: Installing v9fs 9p2000 file system support
I1225 11:01:13.660628    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 253)
I1225 11:01:13.670255    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler noop registered
I1225 11:01:13.682166    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler cfq registered (default)
I1225 11:01:13.693329    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler mq-deadline registered
I1225 11:01:13.702950    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler kyber registered
I1225 11:01:13.720384    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 11:01:13.760620    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 11:01:13.801197    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 11
I1225 11:01:13.818187    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:grant_table: Grant tables using version 1 layout
I1225 11:01:13.826450    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Grant table initialized
I1225 11:01:13.846070    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
I1225 11:01:13.933128    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 00:06: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A
I1225 11:01:14.113879    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: brd: module loaded
I1225 11:01:14.120328    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: loop: module loaded
I1225 11:01:14.134266    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Invalid max_queues (4), will use default max: 1.
I1225 11:01:14.150119    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen_netfront: Initialising Xen virtual ethernet driver
I1225 11:01:14.167177    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
I1225 11:01:14.187848    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: alarms up to one day, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
I1225 11:01:14.197537    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initializing XFRM netlink socket
I1225 11:01:14.207971    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 10
I1225 11:01:14.216288    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Segment Routing with IPv6
I1225 11:01:14.226541    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 17
I1225 11:01:14.235622    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Bridge firewalling registered
I1225 11:01:14.245598    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9pnet: Installing 9P2000 support
I1225 11:01:14.256123    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initialising Xen transport for 9pfs
I1225 11:01:14.273284    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: registered taskstats version 1
I1225 11:01:14.295999    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xenbus_probe_frontend: Device with no driver: device/vkbd/0
I1225 11:01:14.318037    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: setting system clock to 2019-12-25 11:01:14 UTC (1577271674)
I1225 11:01:14.334987    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 1216K
I1225 11:01:14.349169    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 8192k
I1225 11:01:14.360266    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 828K
I1225 11:01:14.371773    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 408K
I1225 11:01:14.386100    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rodata_test: all tests were successful
I1225 11:01:14.411787    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 11:01:14.426114    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: < Hyperstart Version: 1.1.0, commit: v1.1.0
I1225 11:01:14.447324    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 11:01:14.453496    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.16 0.04
I1225 11:01:14.464471    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/shm
I1225 11:01:14.471983    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/pts
I1225 11:01:14.482385    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:00.0
I1225 11:01:14.494543    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:01:14.504698    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.3
I1225 11:01:14.517112    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:01:14.527684    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:03.0
I1225 11:01:14.539495    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 3
I1225 11:01:14.549894    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.1
I1225 11:01:14.561960    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:01:14.572464    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:02.0
I1225 11:01:14.584095    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 5853 ID: 1
I1225 11:01:14.594756    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.0
I1225 11:01:14.607255    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:01:14.618092    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:04.0
I1225 11:01:14.630886    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 9
I1225 11:01:14.639143    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cannot find vsock device
I1225 11:01:14.648921    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p1
I1225 11:01:14.658767    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p2
I1225 11:01:14.670297    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ctl: /dev/vport0p1, tty: /dev/vport0p2
I1225 11:01:14.679334    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p1 get 3
I1225 11:01:14.687098    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: send ready message
I1225 11:01:14.697324    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p2 get 4
I1225 11:01:14.715735    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ctlfd event 0x6fbb7e63a8, ops 0x6fbb7e6080, fd 3
I1225 11:01:14.727937    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 3, 0x6fbb7e6080
I1225 11:01:14.745719    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ttyfd event 0x6fbb7e63e8, ops 0x6fbb7e6060, fd 4
I1225 11:01:14.758596    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 4, 0x6fbb7e6060
I1225 11:01:14.771179    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 6, 0x6fbb7e6320
I1225 11:01:14.788488    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0x6fbb7e63a8, fd 3, 0x6fbb7e6080
I1225 11:01:14.797934    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:14.813637    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x6fbb7e63a8, event 8197
I1225 11:01:14.823294    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 51
I1225 11:01:14.832879    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:14.843388    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 1, len 51
I1225 11:01:14.862336    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: call hyper_start_pod, json {"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}, len 43
I1225 11:01:14.870220    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp
I1225 11:01:14.879743    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper
I1225 11:01:14.892327    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: finish rescan
I1225 11:01:14.902809    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shared
I1225 11:01:14.916064    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shm
I1225 11:01:14.922588    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pod init pid 75
I1225 11:01:14.933149    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send pod inited event: normal
I1225 11:01:14.944314    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/hyperstart
I1225 11:01:14.950919    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.66 0.04
I1225 11:01:14.963707    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 0
I1225 11:01:14.982491    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0x6fbb7e63a8, fd 3, 0x6fbb7e6080
I1225 11:01:15.006080    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x6fbb7e63a8, event 8193
I1225 11:01:15.027210    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0x6fbb7e64a8, fd 6, 0x6fbb7e6320
I1225 11:01:15.052458    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0x6fbb7e63a8, fd 3, 0x6fbb7e6080
I1225 11:01:15.062619    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:15.081790    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x6fbb7e63a8, event 8197
I1225 11:01:15.090567    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 12
I1225 11:01:15.099618    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:15.109582    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 0, len 12
I1225 11:01:15.118520    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 4
I1225 11:01:15.135514    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0x6fbb7e63a8, fd 3, 0x6fbb7e6080
I1225 11:01:15.151783    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x6fbb7e63a8, event 8193
I1225 11:01:15.160739    3299 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 74 exit normally, status 0
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/8/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110105.3292 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:01:05
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:01:05.673871    3292 proxy.go:66] agent.NewJsonBasedHyperstart
I1225 11:01:05.674957    3292 proxy.go:71] proxy.NewServer
I1225 11:01:05.675083    3292 proxy.go:80] net.Listen() to grpcsock: /var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:01:05.675961    3292 proxy.go:87] proxy: grpc api on /var/run/hyper/vm-ltCUXFiKlz/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:01:05.695952    3292 hyperstart.go:455] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] stream socket connected
I1225 11:01:05.695973    3292 hyperstart.go:180] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] Wating for init messages...
I1225 11:01:14.689063    3292 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] got cmd:1
I1225 11:01:14.689857    3292 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] send command 1 to init, payload: '{"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}'.
I1225 11:01:14.689897    3292 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] write 51 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:01:14.689906    3292 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] got cmd:0
I1225 11:01:14.689916    3292 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] send command 0 to init, payload: 'null'.
I1225 11:01:14.984452    3292 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:14.984519    3292 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:14.984543    3292 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 0
I1225 11:01:14.984595    3292 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:14.984606    3292 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 8
I1225 11:01:14.984614    3292 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:14.984621    3292 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 51
I1225 11:01:14.984647    3292 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] write 12 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:01:14.984655    3292 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] got cmd:9
I1225 11:01:15.073456    3292 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:15.075936    3292 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:15.080218    3292 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:15.088515    3292 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:15.104904    3292 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:15.137194    3292 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:15.137228    3292 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:15.137344    3292 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:15.137377    3292 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 4
I1225 11:01:15.137399    3292 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:15.137407    3292 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 8
I1225 11:01:15.137415    3292 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:15.137422    3292 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 12
I1225 11:01:15.137429    3292 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] got cmd:9
I1225 11:01:15.137440    3292 hyperstart.go:203] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] hyperstart API version:4244, VM hyperstart API version: 4244
I1225 11:01:15.201620    3292 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] got cmd:17
I1225 11:01:15.201769    3292 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] send command 17 to init, payload: '{"id":"testMaskDir","rootfs":"rootfs","image":"testMaskDir","sysctl":{"vm.overcommit_memory":"1"},"process":{"id":"init","terminal":false,"stdio":1,"stderr":2,"args":["ls","/testdata"],"envs":[{"env":"PATH","value":"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"},{"env":"TERM","value":"xterm"}],"workdir":"/"},"restartPolicy":"never","initialize":false,"readOnly":true}'.
I1225 11:01:15.201840    3292 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-ltCUXFiKlz] write 393 to hyperstart.
FAIL: maskpath_test.go:20: RunVSuite.TestMaskFile
    out, exitCode := s.runvCommand(c, "run", "--bundle", s.bundlePath, "testMaskFile")
    c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("out: %s, exitCode: %d", out, exitCode))
... value *exec.ExitError = &exec.ExitError{ProcessState:(*os.ProcessState)(0xc0003b00c0), Stderr:[]uint8(nil)} ("exit status 1")
... out: ls: /testdata/foobar: No such file or directory
, exitCode: 1
Test case RunVSuite.TestMaskFile failed, retrieve runv log from directory /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/9:
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/9/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110149.3366 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:01:49
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:01:49.171208    3366 proxy.go:66] agent.NewJsonBasedHyperstart
I1225 11:01:49.172347    3366 proxy.go:71] proxy.NewServer
I1225 11:01:49.172495    3366 proxy.go:80] net.Listen() to grpcsock: /var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:01:49.172766    3366 proxy.go:87] proxy: grpc api on /var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:01:49.193519    3366 hyperstart.go:180] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] Wating for init messages...
I1225 11:01:49.193526    3366 hyperstart.go:455] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] stream socket connected
I1225 11:01:58.539987    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:1
I1225 11:01:58.541173    3366 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] send command 1 to init, payload: '{"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}'.
I1225 11:01:58.541227    3366 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] write 51 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:01:58.541238    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:0
I1225 11:01:58.541248    3366 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] send command 0 to init, payload: 'null'.
I1225 11:01:58.818271    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:58.818336    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:58.818359    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 0
I1225 11:01:58.818409    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:58.818419    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 8
I1225 11:01:58.818427    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:58.818434    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 51
I1225 11:01:58.818472    3366 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] write 12 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:01:58.818481    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:9
I1225 11:01:58.875871    3366 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:58.878129    3366 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:58.882395    3366 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:58.890605    3366 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:58.907037    3366 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:58.939367    3366 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:01:58.959061    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:58.959109    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:58.959138    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 4
I1225 11:01:58.959159    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:58.959167    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 8
I1225 11:01:58.959175    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:58.959182    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 12
I1225 11:01:58.959189    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:9
I1225 11:01:58.959199    3366 hyperstart.go:203] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] hyperstart API version:4244, VM hyperstart API version: 4244
I1225 11:01:59.003707    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:17
I1225 11:01:59.003898    3366 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] send command 17 to init, payload: '{"id":"testMaskFile","rootfs":"rootfs","image":"testMaskFile","sysctl":{"vm.overcommit_memory":"1"},"process":{"id":"init","terminal":false,"stdio":1,"stderr":2,"args":["ls","-l","/testdata/foobar"],"envs":[{"env":"PATH","value":"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"},{"env":"TERM","value":"xterm"}],"workdir":"/"},"restartPolicy":"never","initialize":false,"readOnly":true}'.
I1225 11:01:59.003954    3366 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] write 407 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:01:59.633570    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:59.633663    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:01:59.633687    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 0
I1225 11:01:59.633708    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:59.633717    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 407, receive 8
I1225 11:01:59.633745    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:01:59.633754    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 407, receive 407
I1225 11:01:59.633783    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:9
I1225 11:01:59.636984    3366 hyperstart.go:592] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] session 1 send eof to hyperstart
I1225 11:02:00.195476    3366 hyperstart.go:471] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] tty: read 48 bytes for stream 2
I1225 11:02:00.195628    3366 hyperstart.go:471] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] tty: read 0 bytes for stream 1
I1225 11:02:00.195648    3366 hyperstart.go:484] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] session 1 closed by peer, close pty
I1225 11:02:00.233663    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 23, len: 75
I1225 11:02:00.233676    3366 hyperstart.go:387] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] ProcessAsyncEvent: {"container":"testMaskFile","process":"init","event":"finished","status":1}
I1225 11:02:00.245387    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:24
I1225 11:02:00.245433    3366 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] send command 24 to init, payload: '{"container":"testMaskFile","process":"init","signal":0}'.
I1225 11:02:00.245459    3366 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] write 64 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:02:00.354608    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:02:00.354708    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:02:00.354743    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 10, len: 0
I1225 11:02:00.354775    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:02:00.354790    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 64, receive 8
I1225 11:02:00.354804    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:02:00.354874    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 64, receive 64
I1225 11:02:00.354891    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:10
I1225 11:02:00.400994    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:4
I1225 11:02:00.401015    3366 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] send command 4 to init, payload: 'null'.
I1225 11:02:00.401060    3366 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] write 12 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:02:00.505851    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:02:00.505918    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:02:00.505972    3366 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 0
I1225 11:02:00.505996    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:02:00.506005    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 8
I1225 11:02:00.506027    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:14
I1225 11:02:00.506036    3366 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 12
I1225 11:02:00.506043    3366 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got cmd:9
I1225 11:02:00.506055    3366 hyperstart.go:263] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got response of shutdown command, last round of command to init
E1225 11:02:00.506156    3366 hyperstart.go:150] read init data failed
I1225 11:02:00.506226    3366 hyperstart.go:102] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] close jsonBasedHyperstart
I1225 11:02:00.506996    3366 hyperstart.go:435] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] tty chan closed, quit sent goroutine
E1225 11:02:00.507063    3366 hyperstart.go:410] read tty data failed
E1225 11:02:00.507091    3366 hyperstart.go:467] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] tty socket closed, quit the reading goroutine: read unix @->/var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/tty.sock: use of closed network connection
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/9/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110149.3373 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:01:49
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:01:49.214483    3373 watcher.go:46] watchHyperstart
I1225 11:01:49.215243    3373 watcher.go:50] watchConsole() sock: /var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/console.sock
I1225 11:01:54.039893    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Linux version 4.12.4-hyper+ (teawater@teawater-virtual-machine) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) ) #1 SMP Thu Jul 19 11:23:27 CST 2018
I1225 11:01:54.050400    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 11:01:54.059470    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 11:01:54.079478    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers'
I1225 11:01:54.095160    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x002: 'SSE registers'
I1225 11:01:54.111003    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x004: 'AVX registers'
I1225 11:01:54.126322    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: xstate_offset[2]:  576, xstate_sizes[2]:  256
I1225 11:01:54.151367    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Enabled xstate features 0x7, context size is 832 bytes, using 'standard' format.
I1225 11:01:54.161906    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
I1225 11:01:54.179434    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable
I1225 11:01:54.196908    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved
I1225 11:01:54.214532    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000f0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved
I1225 11:01:54.232846    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff] usable
I1225 11:01:54.250304    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000007fff000-0x0000000007ffffff] reserved
I1225 11:01:54.268205    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fc000000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
I1225 11:01:54.279526    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
I1225 11:01:54.285593    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SMBIOS 2.4 present.
I1225 11:01:54.297323    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: DMI: Xen HVM domU, BIOS 4.9.2 04/16/2018
I1225 11:01:54.306423    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hypervisor detected: Xen HVM
I1225 11:01:54.312967    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Xen version 4.9.
I1225 11:01:54.340931    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Netfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated NICs.
I1225 11:01:54.368611    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Blkfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated disks.
I1225 11:01:54.380236    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: You might have to change the root device
I1225 11:01:54.390484    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: from /dev/hd[a-d] to /dev/xvd[a-d]
I1225 11:01:54.401794    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: in your root= kernel command line option
I1225 11:01:54.411408    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 11:01:54.421965    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 11:01:54.434130    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: No reference (HPET/PMTIMER) available
I1225 11:01:54.451223    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: last_pfn = 0x7fff max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
I1225 11:01:54.473050    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB  WC  UC- UC  WB  WC  UC- WT
I1225 11:01:54.486010    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAMDISK: [mem 0x078cf000-0x07feffff]
I1225 11:01:54.502945    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled
I1225 11:01:54.520265    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F6BB0 000024 (v02 Xen   )
I1225 11:01:54.547927    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000FC00A390 00004C (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:01:54.575299    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACP 0x00000000FC00A1A0 0000F4 (v04 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:01:54.602970    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000FC001170 008FAC (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:01:54.616011    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 11:01:54.629006    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 11:01:54.656617    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET 0x00000000FC00A2A0 000038 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:01:54.684066    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: WAET 0x00000000FC00A2E0 000028 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:01:54.708172    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A310 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:01:54.733540    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A350 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:01:54.742815    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: No NUMA configuration found
I1225 11:01:54.761829    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Faking a node at [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:01:54.777787    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x078bd000-0x078cefff]
I1225 11:01:54.782462    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Zone ranges:
I1225 11:01:54.799899    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA      [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff]
I1225 11:01:54.816547    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA32    [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:01:54.822039    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   Normal   empty
I1225 11:01:54.832142    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Movable zone start for each node
I1225 11:01:54.840112    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Early memory node ranges
I1225 11:01:54.856665    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff]
I1225 11:01:54.873905    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:01:54.892932    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:01:54.902117    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0xb008
I1225 11:01:54.914678    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
I1225 11:01:54.927623    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Boot CPU (id 0) not listed by BIOS
I1225 11:01:54.939854    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
I1225 11:01:54.957358    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: [mem 0x08000000-0xfbffffff] available for PCI devices
I1225 11:01:54.969516    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Booting paravirtualized kernel on Xen HVM
I1225 11:01:54.998938    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1910969940391419 ns
I1225 11:01:55.019458    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:64 nr_cpumask_bits:64 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1
I1225 11:01:55.041348    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: percpu: Embedded 36 pages/cpu @ffff880007600000 s109656 r8192 d29608 u2097152
I1225 11:01:55.058798    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PV qspinlock hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:01:55.085136    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 32136
I1225 11:01:55.091771    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Policy zone: DMA32
I1225 11:01:55.105089    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 11:01:55.120141    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:01:55.158563    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Memory: 110264K/130676K available (5302K kernel code, 557K rwdata, 1640K rodata, 1216K init, 668K bss, 20412K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
I1225 11:01:55.168737    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hierarchical RCU implementation.
I1225 11:01:55.184437    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:         RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=64 to nr_cpu_ids=1.
I1225 11:01:55.202227    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=1
I1225 11:01:55.209940    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NR_IRQS:4352 nr_irqs:32 16
I1225 11:01:55.220120    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Using FIFO-based ABI
I1225 11:01:55.238305    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Xen HVM callback vector for event delivery is enabled
I1225 11:01:55.248067    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Console: colour dummy device 80x25
I1225 11:01:55.254859    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: console [ttyS0] enabled
I1225 11:01:55.279785    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: hpet: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 30580167144 ns
I1225 11:01:55.290160    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 11:01:55.337135    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 11:01:55.348898    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: HPET/PMTIMER calibration failed
I1225 11:01:55.360664    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Detected 1999.832 MHz processor
I1225 11:01:55.390975    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3999.66 BogoMIPS (lpj=1999832)
I1225 11:01:55.405630    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
I1225 11:01:55.415361    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Core revision 20170303
I1225 11:01:55.440572    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: 3 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded
I1225 11:01:55.454108    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: setting ELCR to 0200 (from 0c20)
I1225 11:01:55.473823    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
I1225 11:01:55.493538    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
I1225 11:01:55.512448    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:01:55.532526    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:01:55.542745    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: random: fast init done
I1225 11:01:55.553734    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 11:01:55.564316    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
I1225 11:01:55.573008    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
I1225 11:01:55.587856    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8
I1225 11:01:55.605540    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 32, 4MB 32, 1GB 0
I1225 11:01:55.626978    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 24K
I1225 11:01:55.640011    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Max logical packages: 1
I1225 11:01:55.652910    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP motherboard not detected
I1225 11:01:55.661674    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP disabled
I1225 11:01:55.680851    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Not enabling interrupt remapping due to skipped IO-APIC setup
I1225 11:01:55.712030    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: xen: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x1cd42e4dffb, max_idle_ns: 881590591483 ns
I1225 11:01:55.725479    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: installing Xen timer for CPU 0
I1225 11:01:55.735609    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpu 0 spinlock event irq 21
I1225 11:01:55.759892    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 45 no PMU driver, software events only.
I1225 11:01:55.771295    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
I1225 11:01:55.780428    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU
I1225 11:01:55.797703    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (3999.66 BogoMIPS)
I1225 11:01:55.819176    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: sched_clock: Marking stable (452000000, 0)->(240611151064, -240159151064)
I1225 11:01:55.826023    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: devtmpfs: initialized
I1225 11:01:55.836052    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB
I1225 11:01:55.866621    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275000 ns
I1225 11:01:55.882637    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 11:01:55.893967    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 16
I1225 11:01:55.904544    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor ladder
I1225 11:01:55.913773    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor menu
I1225 11:01:55.921152    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCCT header not found.
I1225 11:01:55.930509    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: bus type PCI registered
I1225 11:01:55.947750    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
I1225 11:01:55.962536    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
I1225 11:01:55.973220    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
I1225 11:01:55.983619    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
I1225 11:01:55.994972    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
I1225 11:01:56.009346    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
I1225 11:01:56.025649    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Interpreter enabled
I1225 11:01:56.032895    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: (supports S0 S5)
I1225 11:01:56.044492    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Using PIC for interrupt routing
I1225 11:01:56.071291    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
I1225 11:01:56.100033    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
I1225 11:01:56.116885    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [ASPM ClockPM Segments]
I1225 11:01:56.133921    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM
I1225 11:01:56.143722    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [3] registered
I1225 11:01:56.152573    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [4] registered
I1225 11:01:56.161408    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [5] registered
I1225 11:01:56.170237    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [6] registered
I1225 11:01:56.179121    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [7] registered
I1225 11:01:56.188474    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [8] registered
I1225 11:01:56.197493    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [9] registered
I1225 11:01:56.206577    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [10] registered
I1225 11:01:56.215560    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [11] registered
I1225 11:01:56.224942    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [12] registered
I1225 11:01:56.234129    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [13] registered
I1225 11:01:56.243201    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [14] registered
I1225 11:01:56.252317    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [15] registered
I1225 11:01:56.261322    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [16] registered
I1225 11:01:56.270269    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [17] registered
I1225 11:01:56.279159    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [18] registered
I1225 11:01:56.288111    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [19] registered
I1225 11:01:56.297168    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [20] registered
I1225 11:01:56.306376    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [21] registered
I1225 11:01:56.315273    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [22] registered
I1225 11:01:56.324350    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [23] registered
I1225 11:01:56.333390    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [24] registered
I1225 11:01:56.342473    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [25] registered
I1225 11:01:56.351757    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [26] registered
I1225 11:01:56.360984    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [27] registered
I1225 11:01:56.370115    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [28] registered
I1225 11:01:56.379237    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [29] registered
I1225 11:01:56.388505    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [30] registered
I1225 11:01:56.398135    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [31] registered
I1225 11:01:56.407481    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
I1225 11:01:56.424803    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
I1225 11:01:56.442963    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0d00-0xffff window]
I1225 11:01:56.463157    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
I1225 11:01:56.483370    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf0000000-0xfbffffff window]
I1225 11:01:56.497165    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
I1225 11:01:56.557431    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io  0x01f0-0x01f7]
I1225 11:01:56.575155    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io  0x03f6]
I1225 11:01:56.595045    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io  0x0170-0x0177]
I1225 11:01:56.612217    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io  0x0376]
I1225 11:01:56.643979    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb000-0xb03f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI
I1225 11:01:56.662824    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb100-0xb10f] claimed by PIIX4 SMB
I1225 11:01:56.782413    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 11:01:56.799451    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 5 *10 11)
I1225 11:01:56.816307    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 5 10 *11)
I1225 11:01:56.832954    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 11:01:56.848458    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Enabled 2 GPEs in block 00 to 0F
I1225 11:01:56.861622    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:balloon: Initialising balloon driver
I1225 11:01:56.872773    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: vgaarb: loaded
I1225 11:01:56.881948    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SCSI subsystem initialized
I1225 11:01:56.892443    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
I1225 11:01:56.916455    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: HPET: 3 timers in total, 0 timers will be used for per-cpu timer
I1225 11:01:56.929465    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: Switched to clocksource xen
I1225 11:01:56.936205    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI init
I1225 11:01:56.956138    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:00: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved
I1225 11:01:56.972454    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x08a0-0x08a3] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:56.988983    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x0cc0-0x0ccf] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:57.005072    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:57.022145    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xae00-0xae0f] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:57.038595    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xb044-0xb047] has been reserved
I1225 11:01:57.050144    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI: found 8 devices
I1225 11:01:57.081377    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns
I1225 11:01:57.091583    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 2
I1225 11:01:57.109652    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:01:57.125889    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 11:01:57.141694    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
I1225 11:01:57.156114    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:01:57.172274    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:01:57.182336    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 1
I1225 11:01:57.196664    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers
I1225 11:01:57.210846    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release
I1225 11:01:57.226173    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds
I1225 11:01:57.240766    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
I1225 11:01:57.395362    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing initrd memory: 7300K
I1225 11:01:57.417690    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: API unit is 2^-32 Joules, 3 fixed counters, 10737418240 ms ovfl timer
I1225 11:01:57.431456    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain pp0-core 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:01:57.445772    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain package 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:01:57.459115    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain dram 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:01:57.476356    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: workingset: timestamp_bits=37 max_order=15 bucket_order=0
I1225 11:01:57.492599    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, no debug enabled
I1225 11:01:57.506118    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9p: Installing v9fs 9p2000 file system support
I1225 11:01:57.532179    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 253)
I1225 11:01:57.540609    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler noop registered
I1225 11:01:57.551391    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler cfq registered (default)
I1225 11:01:57.561704    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler mq-deadline registered
I1225 11:01:57.570285    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler kyber registered
I1225 11:01:57.585923    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 11:01:57.621750    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 11:01:57.658136    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 11
I1225 11:01:57.673461    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:grant_table: Grant tables using version 1 layout
I1225 11:01:57.680781    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Grant table initialized
I1225 11:01:57.696485    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
I1225 11:01:57.777906    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 00:06: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A
I1225 11:01:57.949842    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: brd: module loaded
I1225 11:01:57.956071    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: loop: module loaded
I1225 11:01:57.971407    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Invalid max_queues (4), will use default max: 1.
I1225 11:01:57.992481    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen_netfront: Initialising Xen virtual ethernet driver
I1225 11:01:58.030137    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
I1225 11:01:58.050658    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: alarms up to one day, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
I1225 11:01:58.060555    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initializing XFRM netlink socket
I1225 11:01:58.070608    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 10
I1225 11:01:58.078509    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Segment Routing with IPv6
I1225 11:01:58.088687    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 17
I1225 11:01:58.097297    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Bridge firewalling registered
I1225 11:01:58.106672    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9pnet: Installing 9P2000 support
I1225 11:01:58.116858    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initialising Xen transport for 9pfs
I1225 11:01:58.134099    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: registered taskstats version 1
I1225 11:01:58.155993    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xenbus_probe_frontend: Device with no driver: device/vkbd/0
I1225 11:01:58.179024    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: setting system clock to 2019-12-25 11:01:58 UTC (1577271718)
I1225 11:01:58.196154    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 1216K
I1225 11:01:58.210278    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 8192k
I1225 11:01:58.221886    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 828K
I1225 11:01:58.235953    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 408K
I1225 11:01:58.249110    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rodata_test: all tests were successful
I1225 11:01:58.268493    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 11:01:58.279315    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: < Hyperstart Version: 1.1.0, commit: v1.1.0
I1225 11:01:58.295232    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 11:01:58.301118    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.06 0.04
I1225 11:01:58.311992    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/shm
I1225 11:01:58.319694    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/pts
I1225 11:01:58.330662    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:00.0
I1225 11:01:58.342960    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:01:58.353692    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.3
I1225 11:01:58.366992    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:01:58.377821    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:03.0
I1225 11:01:58.390054    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 3
I1225 11:01:58.401430    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.1
I1225 11:01:58.415077    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:01:58.425925    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:02.0
I1225 11:01:58.437893    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 5853 ID: 1
I1225 11:01:58.448812    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.0
I1225 11:01:58.461348    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:01:58.472288    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:04.0
I1225 11:01:58.485501    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 9
I1225 11:01:58.493422    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cannot find vsock device
I1225 11:01:58.502646    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p1
I1225 11:01:58.512276    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p2
I1225 11:01:58.522789    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ctl: /dev/vport0p1, tty: /dev/vport0p2
I1225 11:01:58.531009    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p1 get 3
I1225 11:01:58.537932    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: send ready message
I1225 11:01:58.547421    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p2 get 4
I1225 11:01:58.564512    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ctlfd event 0xb88da1d3a8, ops 0xb88da1d080, fd 3
I1225 11:01:58.576423    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:01:58.593311    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ttyfd event 0xb88da1d3e8, ops 0xb88da1d060, fd 4
I1225 11:01:58.605003    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 4, 0xb88da1d060
I1225 11:01:58.616280    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 6, 0xb88da1d320
I1225 11:01:58.632584    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:01:58.642346    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:58.657860    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:01:58.666986    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 51
I1225 11:01:58.675979    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:58.686124    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 1, len 51
I1225 11:01:58.704049    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: call hyper_start_pod, json {"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}, len 43
I1225 11:01:58.711512    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp
I1225 11:01:58.720783    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper
I1225 11:01:58.732473    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: finish rescan
I1225 11:01:58.743151    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shared
I1225 11:01:58.756003    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shm
I1225 11:01:58.762146    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pod init pid 74
I1225 11:01:58.772031    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send pod inited event: normal
I1225 11:01:58.782259    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/hyperstart
I1225 11:01:58.788245    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.55 0.04
I1225 11:01:58.800244    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 0
I1225 11:01:58.816491    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:01:58.840303    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8193
I1225 11:01:58.863649    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xb88da1d4a8, fd 6, 0xb88da1d320
I1225 11:01:58.881953    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:01:58.890607    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:58.905218    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:01:58.913994    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 12
I1225 11:01:58.922596    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:58.932131    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 0, len 12
I1225 11:01:58.940428    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 4
I1225 11:01:58.957371    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:01:58.972846    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8193
I1225 11:01:58.981278    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 73 exit normally, status 0
I1225 11:01:59.021799    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:01:59.031569    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:59.046440    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:01:59.055224    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 407
I1225 11:01:59.064359    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:01:59.074662    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 17, len 407
I1225 11:01:59.158364    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: call hyper_new_container, json {"id":"testMaskFile","rootfs":"rootfs","image":"testMaskFile","sysctl":{"vm.overcommit_memory":"1"},"process":{"id":"init","terminal":false,"stdio":1,"stderr":2,"args":["ls","-l","/testdata/foobar"],"envs":[{"env":"PATH","value":"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"},{"env":"TERM","value":"xterm"}],"workdir":"/"},"restartPolicy":"never","initialize":false,"readOnly":true}, len 399
I1225 11:01:59.174778    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: executing cmd iptables-restore /tmp/hyper/shared/testMaskFile-iptables
I1225 11:01:59.204278    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: iptables-restore /tmp/hyper/shared/testMaskFile-iptables cmd exit normally, status 0
I1225 11:01:59.215396    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/testMaskFile
I1225 11:01:59.228810    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/testMaskFile/devpts/
I1225 11:01:59.240628    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send mntns referenced event: normal
I1225 11:01:59.251826    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create child process pid=78 in the sandbox
I1225 11:01:59.262452    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send root dev ready event: normal
I1225 11:01:59.275074    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/testMaskFile/root/
I1225 11:01:59.286533    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: src directory /tmp/hyper/shared/testMaskFile/
I1225 11:01:59.308137    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: root directory for container is /tmp/hyper/testMaskFile/root//rootfs, init task ls
I1225 11:01:59.350471    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory .//lib/modules/4.12.4-hyper+
I1225 11:01:59.370817    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: failed to create directory: Read-only file system
I1225 11:01:59.384030    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: can not find /tmp/hyper/resolv.conf
I1225 11:01:59.399613    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: can not find ./etc/hostname
I1225 11:01:59.416976    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create ./etc/hostname failed: Read-only file system
I1225 11:01:59.426794    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: sysctl vm/overcommit_memory value 1
I1225 11:01:59.437632    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send container inited event: normal
I1225 11:01:59.446248    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: prerequisite process pid 79
I1225 11:01:59.457444    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create child process pid=80 in the sandbox
I1225 11:01:59.466525    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: try to find the user(or uid): 0
I1225 11:01:59.476396    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send exec process pid: normal
I1225 11:01:59.493071    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event exec stdin event 0xb88e348a68, ops 0xb88da1d1e0, fd 8
I1225 11:01:59.504954    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 8, 0xb88da1d1e0
I1225 11:01:59.521819    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event exec stdout event 0xb88e348aa8, ops 0xb88da1d1c0, fd 9
I1225 11:01:59.533858    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 9, 0xb88da1d1c0
I1225 11:01:59.546865    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: faile to open /etc/passwd: No such file or directory
I1225 11:01:59.557304    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send process inited event: normal
I1225 11:01:59.573971    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event exec stderr event 0xb88e348ae8, ops 0xb88da1d1a0, fd 12
I1225 11:01:59.582128    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_install_process_stdio
I1225 11:01:59.594233    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 12, 0xb88da1d1a0
I1225 11:01:59.603843    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_run_process process pid 80
I1225 11:01:59.613273    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 0
I1225 11:01:59.631662    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:01:59.652988    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8193
I1225 11:01:59.669968    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xb88e348a68, fd 8, 0xb88da1d1e0
I1225 11:01:59.678063    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: write_to_stdin, seq 1
I1225 11:01:59.694088    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 8, 0xb88e348a68, event 8192
I1225 11:01:59.711342    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xb88da1d3e8, fd 4, 0xb88da1d060
I1225 11:01:59.721414    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ttyfd_read: get length 12
I1225 11:01:59.735062    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ttyfd_handle seq 1, len 0
I1225 11:01:59.746378    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find exec testMaskFile pid 80, seq is 1
I1225 11:01:59.754955    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: get close stdin request
I1225 11:01:59.770120    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 8, 0xb88e348a68, event 4
I1225 11:01:59.787939    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xb88e348a68, fd 8, 0xb88da1d1e0
I1225 11:01:59.795897    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: write_to_stdin, seq 1
I1225 11:01:59.811173    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 8, 0xb88e348a68, event 8192
I1225 11:01:59.819820    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: still have 3 user of exec
I1225 11:01:59.829625    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 77 exit normally, status 0
I1225 11:01:59.839374    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 78 exit normally, status 0
I1225 11:01:59.849345    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 79 exit normally, status 0
I1225 11:01:59.966855    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xb88e348ae8, fd 12, 0xb88da1d1a0
I1225 11:01:59.974397    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: stderr_loop, seq 2
I1225 11:01:59.982614    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pts_loop: read 48 data
I1225 11:01:59.990756    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pts_loop: read 0 data
I1225 11:01:59.999251    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: still have 2 user of exec
I1225 11:02:00.015824    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLHUP or EPOLLERR, he 0xb88e348aa8, fd 9, 10
I1225 11:02:00.023768    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: stdout_hup, seq 1, id init
I1225 11:02:00.031424    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: still have 1 user of exec
I1225 11:02:00.040030    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 80 exit normally, status 1
I1225 11:02:00.055789    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_exec_exit exec exit pid 80, seq 1, container testMaskFile
I1225 11:02:00.064101    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: container init process 80
I1225 11:02:00.073363    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: last user of exec exit, release
I1225 11:02:00.087795    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 4, 0xb88da1d3e8, event 8197
I1225 11:02:00.096789    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 23, len 75
I1225 11:02:00.112136    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:02:00.121461    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_release_exec exit code 1
I1225 11:02:00.137037    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_release_exec container init exited automatically, remains 1
I1225 11:02:00.148211    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create child process pid=82 in the sandbox
I1225 11:02:00.153217    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: umount /
I1225 11:02:00.167900    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send cleanup container mounts event: normal
I1225 11:02:00.176406    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 81 exit normally, status 0
I1225 11:02:00.193408    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xb88da1d3e8, fd 4, 0xb88da1d060
I1225 11:02:00.213160    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 4, 0xb88da1d3e8, event 8193
I1225 11:02:00.231906    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:02:00.254433    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8193
I1225 11:02:00.270840    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:02:00.279979    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:02:00.294633    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:02:00.303564    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 64
I1225 11:02:00.312237    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:02:00.322126    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 24, len 64
I1225 11:02:00.336376    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: can not find processhyper ctl append type 10, len 0
I1225 11:02:00.352786    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:02:00.373011    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8193
I1225 11:02:00.383596    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 82 exit normally, status 0
I1225 11:02:00.421890    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xb88da1d3a8, fd 3, 0xb88da1d080
I1225 11:02:00.432734    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:02:00.450582    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xb88da1d3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:02:00.461171    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 12
I1225 11:02:00.472215    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:02:00.484164    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 4, len 12
I1225 11:02:00.493173    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: get DESTROYPOD message
I1225 11:02:00.503773    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 0
I1225 11:02:00.514973    3373 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: umount /tmp/
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/9/shim-testMaskFile/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110159.3384 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:01:59
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/9/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110148.3348 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:01:48
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:01:48.559758    3348 sandbox.go:29] Using kernel: /root/go/src/; Initrd: /root/go/src/; bios: ; cbfs: ;
I1225 11:01:49.115795    3348 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:01:49.137468    3348 xen.go:169] Start VM as domain 8
I1225 11:01:49.137702    3348 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:01:49.137864    3348 sandbox.go:231] grpcSock stat: <nil>, err: &os.PathError{Op:"stat", Path:"/var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/kata-agent.sock", Err:0x2}
I1225 11:01:49.138249    3348 proxy.go:127] start proxy with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/9 proxy --vmid vm-MxgmRaKZDb --proxy-hyperstart /var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/kata-agent.sock --hyperstart-ctl-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/hyper.sock --hyperstart-stream-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/tty.sock]
I1225 11:01:49.141166    3348 proxy.go:133] createProxy succeeded with proxy pid: 3366
I1225 11:01:49.182554    3348 vm.go:568] VM[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] GetVm succeeded
I1225 11:01:49.182592    3348 watcher.go:93] start watcher with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/9 watcher --watch-vm-console /var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/console.sock --console-proto telnet --watch-hyperstart --watch-vm]
I1225 11:01:49.183749    3348 watcher.go:99] createWatcher succeeded with watcher pid: 3373
I1225 11:01:49.183782    3348 vm_states.go:158] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] startPod: sharetag:share_dir, &api.SandboxConfig{Hostname:"shell", Dns:[]string(nil), Neighbors:(*api.NeighborNetworks)(nil), DnsOptions:[]string(nil), DnsSearch:[]string(nil)}
I1225 11:01:58.819508    3348 vm_states.go:161] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] pod start successfully
I1225 11:01:58.819761    3348 sandbox.go:110] vm-MxgmRaKZDb init sandbox successfully
I1225 11:01:58.822983    3348 container.go:76] vm.AddContainer()
I1225 11:01:58.823179    3348 container.go:216] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] Con[testMaskFile] all images and volume resources have been added to sandbox
I1225 11:01:58.823208    3348 vm_states.go:30] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] start sending create container
I1225 11:01:58.824696    3348 vm_states.go:33] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] sent create container
I1225 11:01:58.824847    3348 shim.go:226] starting shim with args runv --root /run/runv --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/9/shim-testMaskFile --debug shim --container testMaskFile --process init --proxy-stdio --proxy-exit-code --proxy-signal
I1225 11:01:58.826759    3348 container.go:140] save state id testMaskFile, boundle /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0
I1225 11:01:58.827025    3348 network.go:261] get exec path /usr/local/bin/runv
I1225 11:01:58.860901    3348 network.go:110] interface configuration for sandbox ns is []main.InterfaceInfo{}
I1225 11:01:58.861202    3348 network.go:314] nsListener pid is 3385
I1225 11:01:58.872767    3348 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:01:58.873438    3348 hypervisor.go:22] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] main event loop got message 9(COMMAND_RELEASE)
I1225 11:01:58.873451    3348 vm_states.go:214] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] pod is running, got release command, let VM fly
I1225 11:01:58.873460    3348 context.go:216] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] state change from RUNNING to 'NONE'
I1225 11:01:58.873470    3348 hypervisor.go:30] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] main event loop exiting
I1225 11:01:58.874023    3348 hypervisor.go:60] VM vm-MxgmRaKZDb trying to reload with serialized data: {"PersistVersion":20171210,"Id":"vm-MxgmRaKZDb","Paused":false,"DriverInfo":{"domid":8,"hypervisor":"xen"},"SandboxConfig":{"Hostname":"shell","Dns":null,"Neighbors":null,"DnsOptions":null,"DnsSearch":null},"HwStat":{"PciAddr":5,"ScsiId":0,"AttachId":0,"GuestCid":0},"VolumeList":[{"Name":"testMaskFile","Filename":"testMaskFile","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","DeviceName":"","ScsiId":0,"ContainerIds":["testMaskFile"],"IsRootVol":true,"MontPoints":null}],"NetworkList":[],"PortList":[],"Containers":{"testMaskFile":{"Id":"testMaskFile","Name":"shell","Image":"","Labels":{},"StopSignal":"","RootVolume":{"Name":"testMaskFile","Source":"testMaskFile","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","Options":null,"DockerVolume":false,"ReadOnly":true},"RootPath":"rootfs","UGI":null,"Volumes":null,"Initialize":false,"OciSpec":{"ociVersion":"1.0.1","process":{"user":{"uid":0,"gid":0},"args":["ls","-l","/testdata/foobar"],"env":["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin","TERM=xterm"],"cwd":"/"},"root":{"path":"","readonly":true},"hostname":"shell","linux":{"resources":{},"namespaces":[{"type":"pid"},{"type":"network"},{"type":"ipc"},{"type":"uts"}],"maskedPaths":["/testdata/foobar"]}}}}}
I1225 11:01:58.874240    3348 hypervisor.go:69] VM vm-MxgmRaKZDb trying to reload with deserialized pinfo: &hypervisor.PersistInfo{PersistVersion:20171210, Id:"vm-MxgmRaKZDb", Paused:false, DriverInfo:map[string]interface {}{"domid":8, "hypervisor":"xen"}, SandboxConfig:(*api.SandboxConfig)(0xc0001bd740), HwStat:(*hypervisor.VmHwStatus)(0xc00025ac00), VolumeList:[]*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo{(*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo)(0xc00031b200)}, NetworkList:[]*hypervisor.PersistNetworkInfo{}, PortList:[]*api.PortDescription{}, Containers:map[string]*api.ContainerDescription{"testMaskFile":(*api.ContainerDescription)(0xc00034e000)}}
I1225 11:01:58.874337    3348 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:01:58.874444    3348 vm_states.go:51] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] start sending INIT_NEWCONTAINER
I1225 11:01:59.634242    3348 vm_states.go:54] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] sent INIT_NEWCONTAINER
I1225 11:01:59.634279    3348 vm.go:413] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] container testMaskFile start: done.
I1225 11:01:59.634313    3348 container.go:37] change the status of container testMaskFile to `running`
I1225 11:01:59.634942    3348 hypervisor.go:22] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] main event loop got message 9(COMMAND_RELEASE)
I1225 11:01:59.634953    3348 vm_states.go:214] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] pod is running, got release command, let VM fly
I1225 11:01:59.634961    3348 context.go:216] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] state change from RUNNING to 'NONE'
I1225 11:01:59.634970    3348 hypervisor.go:30] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] main event loop exiting
I1225 11:02:00.243903    3348 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:02:00.243948    3348 hypervisor.go:60] VM vm-MxgmRaKZDb trying to reload with serialized data: {"PersistVersion":20171210,"Id":"vm-MxgmRaKZDb","Paused":false,"DriverInfo":{"domid":8,"hypervisor":"xen"},"SandboxConfig":{"Hostname":"shell","Dns":null,"Neighbors":null,"DnsOptions":null,"DnsSearch":null},"HwStat":{"PciAddr":5,"ScsiId":0,"AttachId":0,"GuestCid":0},"VolumeList":[{"Name":"testMaskFile","Filename":"testMaskFile","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","DeviceName":"","ScsiId":0,"ContainerIds":["testMaskFile"],"IsRootVol":true,"MontPoints":null}],"NetworkList":[],"PortList":[],"Containers":{"testMaskFile":{"Id":"testMaskFile","Name":"shell","Image":"","Labels":{},"StopSignal":"","RootVolume":{"Name":"testMaskFile","Source":"testMaskFile","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","Options":null,"DockerVolume":false,"ReadOnly":true},"RootPath":"rootfs","UGI":null,"Volumes":null,"Initialize":false,"OciSpec":{"ociVersion":"1.0.1","process":{"user":{"uid":0,"gid":0},"args":["ls","-l","/testdata/foobar"],"env":["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin","TERM=xterm"],"cwd":"/"},"root":{"path":"","readonly":true},"hostname":"shell","linux":{"resources":{},"namespaces":[{"type":"pid"},{"type":"network"},{"type":"ipc"},{"type":"uts"}],"maskedPaths":["/testdata/foobar"]}}}}}
I1225 11:02:00.244178    3348 hypervisor.go:69] VM vm-MxgmRaKZDb trying to reload with deserialized pinfo: &hypervisor.PersistInfo{PersistVersion:20171210, Id:"vm-MxgmRaKZDb", Paused:false, DriverInfo:map[string]interface {}{"domid":8, "hypervisor":"xen"}, SandboxConfig:(*api.SandboxConfig)(0xc0001bdc80), HwStat:(*hypervisor.VmHwStatus)(0xc00025ae00), VolumeList:[]*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo{(*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo)(0xc00031b3b0)}, NetworkList:[]*hypervisor.PersistNetworkInfo{}, PortList:[]*api.PortDescription{}, Containers:map[string]*api.ContainerDescription{"testMaskFile":(*api.ContainerDescription)(0xc00034e0f0)}}
I1225 11:02:00.244282    3348 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-MxgmRaKZDb/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:02:00.355461    3348 disk.go:167] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] container testMaskFile unwait disk testMaskFile
I1225 11:02:00.355474    3348 context.go:388] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] remove container testMaskFile
I1225 11:02:00.400273    3348 hypervisor.go:22] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] main event loop got message 8(COMMAND_SHUTDOWN)
I1225 11:02:00.400288    3348 vm_states.go:210] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] got shutdown command, shutting down
I1225 11:02:00.400298    3348 context.go:216] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] state change from RUNNING to 'TERMINATING'
I1225 11:02:00.507095    3348 vm_states.go:175] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] POD destroyed
I1225 11:02:00.507134    3348 vm_states.go:189] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] poweroff vm based on command:
I1225 11:02:00.520924    3348 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:02:00.554181    3348 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:02:02.675697    3348 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:02:02.676184    3348 hypervisor.go:22] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] main event loop got message 1(EVENT_VM_KILL)
I1225 11:02:02.676213    3348 vm_states.go:248] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] Got VM force killed message, go to cleaning up
I1225 11:02:02.676303    3348 context.go:192] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] VmContext Close()
I1225 11:02:02.676565    3348 hypervisor.go:30] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] main event loop exiting
I1225 11:02:02.676842    3348 sandbox.go:158] StopPod successfully
I1225 11:02:02.676870    3348 vm_states.go:189] SB[vm-MxgmRaKZDb] poweroff vm based on command: vm.Kill()
FAIL: maskpath_test.go:8: RunVSuite.TestMaskNonExist
    out, exitCode := s.runvCommand(c, "run", "--bundle", s.bundlePath, "testMaskNonExist")
    c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("out: %s, exitCode: %d", out, exitCode))
... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"test timeout error, orgin exec error: signal: killed"} ("test timeout error, orgin exec error: signal: killed")
... out: , exitCode: -1
Test case RunVSuite.TestMaskNonExist failed, retrieve runv log from directory /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/10:
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/10/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110206.3455 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:02:06
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:02:06.536860    3455 watcher.go:46] watchHyperstart
I1225 11:02:06.537561    3455 watcher.go:50] watchConsole() sock: /var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/console.sock
I1225 11:02:10.843991    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Linux version 4.12.4-hyper+ (teawater@teawater-virtual-machine) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) ) #1 SMP Thu Jul 19 11:23:27 CST 2018
I1225 11:02:10.855027    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 11:02:10.864386    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 11:02:10.884547    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers'
I1225 11:02:10.900672    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x002: 'SSE registers'
I1225 11:02:10.916735    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x004: 'AVX registers'
I1225 11:02:10.932351    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: xstate_offset[2]:  576, xstate_sizes[2]:  256
I1225 11:02:10.957946    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Enabled xstate features 0x7, context size is 832 bytes, using 'standard' format.
I1225 11:02:10.969105    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
I1225 11:02:10.986697    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable
I1225 11:02:11.004966    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved
I1225 11:02:11.023167    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000f0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved
I1225 11:02:11.044198    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff] usable
I1225 11:02:11.062849    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000007fff000-0x0000000007ffffff] reserved
I1225 11:02:11.081173    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fc000000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
I1225 11:02:11.093226    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
I1225 11:02:11.099349    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SMBIOS 2.4 present.
I1225 11:02:11.111089    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: DMI: Xen HVM domU, BIOS 4.9.2 04/16/2018
I1225 11:02:11.119581    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hypervisor detected: Xen HVM
I1225 11:02:11.124915    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Xen version 4.9.
I1225 11:02:11.152015    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Netfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated NICs.
I1225 11:02:11.179862    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Blkfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated disks.
I1225 11:02:11.192844    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: You might have to change the root device
I1225 11:02:11.203317    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: from /dev/hd[a-d] to /dev/xvd[a-d]
I1225 11:02:11.215459    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: in your root= kernel command line option
I1225 11:02:11.225338    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 11:02:11.236356    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 11:02:11.248765    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: No reference (HPET/PMTIMER) available
I1225 11:02:11.263218    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: last_pfn = 0x7fff max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
I1225 11:02:11.281098    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB  WC  UC- UC  WB  WC  UC- WT
I1225 11:02:11.291901    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAMDISK: [mem 0x078cf000-0x07feffff]
I1225 11:02:11.306002    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled
I1225 11:02:11.321216    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F6BB0 000024 (v02 Xen   )
I1225 11:02:11.344959    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000FC00A390 00004C (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:02:11.367984    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACP 0x00000000FC00A1A0 0000F4 (v04 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:02:11.391771    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000FC001170 008FAC (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:02:11.402687    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 11:02:11.414173    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 11:02:11.437637    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET 0x00000000FC00A2A0 000038 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:02:11.461059    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: WAET 0x00000000FC00A2E0 000028 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:02:11.483794    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A310 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:02:11.506595    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A350 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:02:11.514936    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: No NUMA configuration found
I1225 11:02:11.532502    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Faking a node at [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:02:11.547076    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x078bd000-0x078cefff]
I1225 11:02:11.551327    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Zone ranges:
I1225 11:02:11.567618    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA      [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff]
I1225 11:02:11.583523    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA32    [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:02:11.589056    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   Normal   empty
I1225 11:02:11.598787    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Movable zone start for each node
I1225 11:02:11.606373    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Early memory node ranges
I1225 11:02:11.622265    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff]
I1225 11:02:11.638324    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:02:11.656594    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:02:11.665666    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0xb008
I1225 11:02:11.677953    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
I1225 11:02:11.690681    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Boot CPU (id 0) not listed by BIOS
I1225 11:02:11.702573    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
I1225 11:02:11.719533    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: [mem 0x08000000-0xfbffffff] available for PCI devices
I1225 11:02:11.731507    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Booting paravirtualized kernel on Xen HVM
I1225 11:02:11.760389    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1910969940391419 ns
I1225 11:02:11.780095    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:64 nr_cpumask_bits:64 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1
I1225 11:02:11.801870    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: percpu: Embedded 36 pages/cpu @ffff880007600000 s109656 r8192 d29608 u2097152
I1225 11:02:11.819369    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PV qspinlock hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:02:11.840747    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 32136
I1225 11:02:11.846591    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Policy zone: DMA32
I1225 11:02:11.859280    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 11:02:11.873834    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:02:11.911768    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Memory: 110264K/130676K available (5302K kernel code, 557K rwdata, 1640K rodata, 1216K init, 668K bss, 20412K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
I1225 11:02:11.921376    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hierarchical RCU implementation.
I1225 11:02:11.936920    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:         RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=64 to nr_cpu_ids=1.
I1225 11:02:11.955224    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=1
I1225 11:02:11.963553    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NR_IRQS:4352 nr_irqs:32 16
I1225 11:02:11.972882    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Using FIFO-based ABI
I1225 11:02:11.990711    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Xen HVM callback vector for event delivery is enabled
I1225 11:02:12.000944    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Console: colour dummy device 80x25
I1225 11:02:12.008205    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: console [ttyS0] enabled
I1225 11:02:12.035384    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: hpet: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 30580167144 ns
I1225 11:02:12.045825    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 11:02:12.093157    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 11:02:12.105188    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: HPET/PMTIMER calibration failed
I1225 11:02:12.117138    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Detected 1999.832 MHz processor
I1225 11:02:12.146996    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3999.66 BogoMIPS (lpj=1999832)
I1225 11:02:12.161275    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
I1225 11:02:12.171131    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Core revision 20170303
I1225 11:02:12.195365    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: 3 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded
I1225 11:02:12.208840    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: setting ELCR to 0200 (from 0c20)
I1225 11:02:12.228098    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
I1225 11:02:12.247178    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
I1225 11:02:12.265679    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:02:12.285023    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:02:12.297668    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 11:02:12.305621    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: random: fast init done
I1225 11:02:12.315729    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
I1225 11:02:12.324483    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
I1225 11:02:12.339271    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8
I1225 11:02:12.356883    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 32, 4MB 32, 1GB 0
I1225 11:02:12.377712    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 24K
I1225 11:02:12.389771    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Max logical packages: 1
I1225 11:02:12.402008    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP motherboard not detected
I1225 11:02:12.410401    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP disabled
I1225 11:02:12.428987    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Not enabling interrupt remapping due to skipped IO-APIC setup
I1225 11:02:12.461454    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: xen: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x1cd42e4dffb, max_idle_ns: 881590591483 ns
I1225 11:02:12.474782    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: installing Xen timer for CPU 0
I1225 11:02:12.484929    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpu 0 spinlock event irq 21
I1225 11:02:12.508955    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 45 no PMU driver, software events only.
I1225 11:02:12.520827    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
I1225 11:02:12.530912    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU
I1225 11:02:12.548769    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (3999.66 BogoMIPS)
I1225 11:02:12.571642    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: sched_clock: Marking stable (445000000, 0)->(257362623510, -256917623510)
I1225 11:02:12.578771    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: devtmpfs: initialized
I1225 11:02:12.588859    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB
I1225 11:02:12.618991    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275000 ns
I1225 11:02:12.635303    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 11:02:12.646122    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 16
I1225 11:02:12.656448    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor ladder
I1225 11:02:12.665392    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor menu
I1225 11:02:12.672738    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCCT header not found.
I1225 11:02:12.681935    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: bus type PCI registered
I1225 11:02:12.699218    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
I1225 11:02:12.714284    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
I1225 11:02:12.725436    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
I1225 11:02:12.736289    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
I1225 11:02:12.748171    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
I1225 11:02:12.761933    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
I1225 11:02:12.778280    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Interpreter enabled
I1225 11:02:12.785455    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: (supports S0 S5)
I1225 11:02:12.796959    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Using PIC for interrupt routing
I1225 11:02:12.823200    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
I1225 11:02:12.851372    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
I1225 11:02:12.868575    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [ASPM ClockPM Segments]
I1225 11:02:12.885542    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM
I1225 11:02:12.895112    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [3] registered
I1225 11:02:12.904022    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [4] registered
I1225 11:02:12.912830    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [5] registered
I1225 11:02:12.921682    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [6] registered
I1225 11:02:12.930444    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [7] registered
I1225 11:02:12.939137    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [8] registered
I1225 11:02:12.947754    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [9] registered
I1225 11:02:12.956763    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [10] registered
I1225 11:02:12.965738    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [11] registered
I1225 11:02:12.974854    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [12] registered
I1225 11:02:12.984363    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [13] registered
I1225 11:02:12.993544    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [14] registered
I1225 11:02:13.002606    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [15] registered
I1225 11:02:13.013733    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [16] registered
I1225 11:02:13.023065    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [17] registered
I1225 11:02:13.032462    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [18] registered
I1225 11:02:13.041446    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [19] registered
I1225 11:02:13.050539    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [20] registered
I1225 11:02:13.059863    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [21] registered
I1225 11:02:13.068783    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [22] registered
I1225 11:02:13.077955    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [23] registered
I1225 11:02:13.086996    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [24] registered
I1225 11:02:13.096240    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [25] registered
I1225 11:02:13.105258    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [26] registered
I1225 11:02:13.114371    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [27] registered
I1225 11:02:13.123538    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [28] registered
I1225 11:02:13.132562    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [29] registered
I1225 11:02:13.141842    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [30] registered
I1225 11:02:13.151368    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [31] registered
I1225 11:02:13.161052    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
I1225 11:02:13.178366    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
I1225 11:02:13.196183    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0d00-0xffff window]
I1225 11:02:13.216744    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
I1225 11:02:13.236817    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf0000000-0xfbffffff window]
I1225 11:02:13.251712    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
I1225 11:02:13.310548    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io  0x01f0-0x01f7]
I1225 11:02:13.328476    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io  0x03f6]
I1225 11:02:13.347194    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io  0x0170-0x0177]
I1225 11:02:13.364120    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io  0x0376]
I1225 11:02:13.395886    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb000-0xb03f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI
I1225 11:02:13.414844    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb100-0xb10f] claimed by PIIX4 SMB
I1225 11:02:13.531952    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 11:02:13.547172    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 5 *10 11)
I1225 11:02:13.562663    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 5 10 *11)
I1225 11:02:13.579026    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 11:02:13.593650    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Enabled 2 GPEs in block 00 to 0F
I1225 11:02:13.605688    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:balloon: Initialising balloon driver
I1225 11:02:13.615963    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: vgaarb: loaded
I1225 11:02:13.624563    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SCSI subsystem initialized
I1225 11:02:13.634172    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
I1225 11:02:13.656455    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: HPET: 3 timers in total, 0 timers will be used for per-cpu timer
I1225 11:02:13.668516    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: Switched to clocksource xen
I1225 11:02:13.674677    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI init
I1225 11:02:13.692952    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:00: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved
I1225 11:02:13.707881    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x08a0-0x08a3] has been reserved
I1225 11:02:13.722392    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x0cc0-0x0ccf] has been reserved
I1225 11:02:13.736887    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved
I1225 11:02:13.752048    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xae00-0xae0f] has been reserved
I1225 11:02:13.766913    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xb044-0xb047] has been reserved
I1225 11:02:13.777522    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI: found 8 devices
I1225 11:02:13.807632    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns
I1225 11:02:13.817697    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 2
I1225 11:02:13.835402    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:02:13.851354    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 11:02:13.867267    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
I1225 11:02:13.881593    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:02:13.897416    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:02:13.907611    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 1
I1225 11:02:13.922138    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers
I1225 11:02:13.936542    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release
I1225 11:02:13.952265    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds
I1225 11:02:13.966987    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
I1225 11:02:14.124273    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing initrd memory: 7300K
I1225 11:02:14.147149    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: API unit is 2^-32 Joules, 3 fixed counters, 10737418240 ms ovfl timer
I1225 11:02:14.161843    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain pp0-core 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:02:14.176114    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain package 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:02:14.189085    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain dram 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:02:14.206814    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: workingset: timestamp_bits=37 max_order=15 bucket_order=0
I1225 11:02:14.223387    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, no debug enabled
I1225 11:02:14.237139    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9p: Installing v9fs 9p2000 file system support
I1225 11:02:14.262868    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 253)
I1225 11:02:14.271382    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler noop registered
I1225 11:02:14.282072    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler cfq registered (default)
I1225 11:02:14.292153    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler mq-deadline registered
I1225 11:02:14.300716    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler kyber registered
I1225 11:02:14.316347    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 11:02:14.352934    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 11:02:14.389419    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 11
I1225 11:02:14.404781    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:grant_table: Grant tables using version 1 layout
I1225 11:02:14.412040    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Grant table initialized
I1225 11:02:14.427820    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
I1225 11:02:14.509618    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 00:06: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A
I1225 11:02:14.681285    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: brd: module loaded
I1225 11:02:14.687545    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: loop: module loaded
I1225 11:02:14.701837    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Invalid max_queues (4), will use default max: 1.
I1225 11:02:14.717598    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen_netfront: Initialising Xen virtual ethernet driver
I1225 11:02:14.734603    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
I1225 11:02:14.754311    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: alarms up to one day, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
I1225 11:02:14.764085    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initializing XFRM netlink socket
I1225 11:02:14.774377    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 10
I1225 11:02:14.782644    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Segment Routing with IPv6
I1225 11:02:14.792985    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 17
I1225 11:02:14.801945    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Bridge firewalling registered
I1225 11:02:14.811595    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9pnet: Installing 9P2000 support
I1225 11:02:14.822080    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initialising Xen transport for 9pfs
I1225 11:02:14.838985    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: registered taskstats version 1
I1225 11:02:14.861335    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xenbus_probe_frontend: Device with no driver: device/vkbd/0
I1225 11:02:14.883347    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: setting system clock to 2019-12-25 11:02:14 UTC (1577271734)
I1225 11:02:14.900390    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 1216K
I1225 11:02:14.914489    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 8192k
I1225 11:02:14.925447    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 828K
I1225 11:02:14.937357    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 408K
I1225 11:02:14.948607    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rodata_test: all tests were successful
I1225 11:02:14.967950    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 11:02:14.978797    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: < Hyperstart Version: 1.1.0, commit: v1.1.0
I1225 11:02:14.994558    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 11:02:15.000436    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.02 0.04
I1225 11:02:15.011389    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/shm
I1225 11:02:15.019208    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/pts
I1225 11:02:15.029878    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:00.0
I1225 11:02:15.042107    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:02:15.052859    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.3
I1225 11:02:15.065196    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:02:15.075694    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:03.0
I1225 11:02:15.087390    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 3
I1225 11:02:15.097960    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.1
I1225 11:02:15.110214    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:02:15.120746    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:02.0
I1225 11:02:15.132697    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 5853 ID: 1
I1225 11:02:15.143450    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.0
I1225 11:02:15.155891    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:02:15.166568    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:04.0
I1225 11:02:15.178350    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 9
I1225 11:02:15.186116    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cannot find vsock device
I1225 11:02:15.194869    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p1
I1225 11:02:15.203774    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p2
I1225 11:02:15.214135    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ctl: /dev/vport0p1, tty: /dev/vport0p2
I1225 11:02:15.222346    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p1 get 3
I1225 11:02:15.229370    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: send ready message
I1225 11:02:15.238775    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p2 get 4
I1225 11:02:15.256115    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ctlfd event 0xda2d3fc3a8, ops 0xda2d3fc080, fd 3
I1225 11:02:15.267573    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 3, 0xda2d3fc080
I1225 11:02:15.283862    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ttyfd event 0xda2d3fc3e8, ops 0xda2d3fc060, fd 4
I1225 11:02:15.294987    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 4, 0xda2d3fc060
I1225 11:02:15.306058    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 6, 0xda2d3fc320
I1225 11:02:15.321873    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xda2d3fc3a8, fd 3, 0xda2d3fc080
I1225 11:02:15.330730    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:02:15.345126    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xda2d3fc3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:02:15.353808    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 51
I1225 11:02:15.362451    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:02:15.372299    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 1, len 51
I1225 11:02:15.390186    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: call hyper_start_pod, json {"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}, len 43
I1225 11:02:15.397307    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp
I1225 11:02:15.405973    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper
I1225 11:02:15.417140    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: finish rescan
I1225 11:02:15.426872    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shared
I1225 11:02:15.439241    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shm
I1225 11:02:15.445063    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pod init pid 74
I1225 11:02:15.454888    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send pod inited event: normal
I1225 11:02:15.465059    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/hyperstart
I1225 11:02:15.471012    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.49 0.04
I1225 11:02:15.482515    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 0
I1225 11:02:15.498672    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xda2d3fc3a8, fd 3, 0xda2d3fc080
I1225 11:02:15.522669    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xda2d3fc3a8, event 8193
I1225 11:02:15.558019    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xda2d3fc4a8, fd 6, 0xda2d3fc320
I1225 11:02:15.580836    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0xda2d3fc3a8, fd 3, 0xda2d3fc080
I1225 11:02:15.589703    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:02:15.605353    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xda2d3fc3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:02:15.614193    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 12
I1225 11:02:15.622877    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:02:15.632842    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 0, len 12
I1225 11:02:15.641514    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 4
I1225 11:02:15.657368    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0xda2d3fc3a8, fd 3, 0xda2d3fc080
I1225 11:02:15.672005    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0xda2d3fc3a8, event 8193
I1225 11:02:15.680338    3455 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 73 exit normally, status 0
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/10/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110205.3430 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:02:05
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:02:05.976101    3430 sandbox.go:29] Using kernel: /root/go/src/; Initrd: /root/go/src/; bios: ; cbfs: ;
I1225 11:02:06.446513    3430 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:02:06.463950    3430 xen.go:169] Start VM as domain 9
I1225 11:02:06.464111    3430 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:02:06.464170    3430 sandbox.go:231] grpcSock stat: <nil>, err: &os.PathError{Op:"stat", Path:"/var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/kata-agent.sock", Err:0x2}
I1225 11:02:06.464421    3430 proxy.go:127] start proxy with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/10 proxy --vmid vm-NZMejagNmS --proxy-hyperstart /var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/kata-agent.sock --hyperstart-ctl-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/hyper.sock --hyperstart-stream-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/tty.sock]
I1225 11:02:06.465999    3430 proxy.go:133] createProxy succeeded with proxy pid: 3447
I1225 11:02:06.507036    3430 vm.go:568] VM[vm-NZMejagNmS] GetVm succeeded
I1225 11:02:06.507071    3430 watcher.go:93] start watcher with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/10 watcher --watch-vm-console /var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/console.sock --console-proto telnet --watch-hyperstart --watch-vm]
I1225 11:02:06.508415    3430 watcher.go:99] createWatcher succeeded with watcher pid: 3455
I1225 11:02:06.508465    3430 vm_states.go:158] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] startPod: sharetag:share_dir, &api.SandboxConfig{Hostname:"shell", Dns:[]string(nil), Neighbors:(*api.NeighborNetworks)(nil), DnsOptions:[]string(nil), DnsSearch:[]string(nil)}
I1225 11:02:15.502078    3430 vm_states.go:161] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] pod start successfully
I1225 11:02:15.502138    3430 sandbox.go:110] vm-NZMejagNmS init sandbox successfully
I1225 11:02:15.506214    3430 container.go:76] vm.AddContainer()
I1225 11:02:15.506357    3430 container.go:216] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] Con[testMaskNonExist] all images and volume resources have been added to sandbox
I1225 11:02:15.506380    3430 vm_states.go:30] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] start sending create container
I1225 11:02:15.514810    3430 vm_states.go:33] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] sent create container
I1225 11:02:15.514984    3430 shim.go:226] starting shim with args runv --root /run/runv --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/10/shim-testMaskNonExist --debug shim --container testMaskNonExist --process init --proxy-stdio --proxy-exit-code --proxy-signal
I1225 11:02:15.517675    3430 container.go:140] save state id testMaskNonExist, boundle /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0
I1225 11:02:15.518057    3430 network.go:261] get exec path /usr/local/bin/runv
I1225 11:02:15.559857    3430 network.go:110] interface configuration for sandbox ns is []main.InterfaceInfo{}
I1225 11:02:15.560082    3430 network.go:314] nsListener pid is 3466
I1225 11:02:15.571109    3430 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:02:15.572105    3430 hypervisor.go:22] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] main event loop got message 9(COMMAND_RELEASE)
I1225 11:02:15.572118    3430 vm_states.go:214] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] pod is running, got release command, let VM fly
I1225 11:02:15.572128    3430 context.go:216] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] state change from RUNNING to 'NONE'
I1225 11:02:15.572137    3430 hypervisor.go:30] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] main event loop exiting
I1225 11:02:15.572964    3430 hypervisor.go:60] VM vm-NZMejagNmS trying to reload with serialized data: {"PersistVersion":20171210,"Id":"vm-NZMejagNmS","Paused":false,"DriverInfo":{"domid":9,"hypervisor":"xen"},"SandboxConfig":{"Hostname":"shell","Dns":null,"Neighbors":null,"DnsOptions":null,"DnsSearch":null},"HwStat":{"PciAddr":5,"ScsiId":0,"AttachId":0,"GuestCid":0},"VolumeList":[{"Name":"testMaskNonExist","Filename":"testMaskNonExist","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","DeviceName":"","ScsiId":0,"ContainerIds":["testMaskNonExist"],"IsRootVol":true,"MontPoints":null}],"NetworkList":[],"PortList":[],"Containers":{"testMaskNonExist":{"Id":"testMaskNonExist","Name":"shell","Image":"","Labels":{},"StopSignal":"","RootVolume":{"Name":"testMaskNonExist","Source":"testMaskNonExist","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","Options":null,"DockerVolume":false,"ReadOnly":true},"RootPath":"rootfs","UGI":null,"Volumes":null,"Initialize":false,"OciSpec":{"ociVersion":"1.0.1","process":{"user":{"uid":0,"gid":0},"args":["ls","/testdata"],"env":["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin","TERM=xterm"],"cwd":"/"},"root":{"path":"","readonly":true},"hostname":"shell","linux":{"resources":{},"namespaces":[{"type":"pid"},{"type":"network"},{"type":"ipc"},{"type":"uts"}],"maskedPaths":["foobar"]}}}}}
I1225 11:02:15.573198    3430 hypervisor.go:69] VM vm-NZMejagNmS trying to reload with deserialized pinfo: &hypervisor.PersistInfo{PersistVersion:20171210, Id:"vm-NZMejagNmS", Paused:false, DriverInfo:map[string]interface {}{"domid":9, "hypervisor":"xen"}, SandboxConfig:(*api.SandboxConfig)(0xc0000dcb40), HwStat:(*hypervisor.VmHwStatus)(0xc00003d680), VolumeList:[]*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo{(*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo)(0xc0002d2750)}, NetworkList:[]*hypervisor.PersistNetworkInfo{}, PortList:[]*api.PortDescription{}, Containers:map[string]*api.ContainerDescription{"testMaskNonExist":(*api.ContainerDescription)(0xc0002d40f0)}}
I1225 11:02:15.573303    3430 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:02:15.573483    3430 vm_states.go:51] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] start sending INIT_NEWCONTAINER
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/10/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110206.3447 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:02:06
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:02:06.491406    3447 proxy.go:66] agent.NewJsonBasedHyperstart
I1225 11:02:06.492475    3447 proxy.go:71] proxy.NewServer
I1225 11:02:06.492664    3447 proxy.go:80] net.Listen() to grpcsock: /var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:02:06.493360    3447 proxy.go:87] proxy: grpc api on /var/run/hyper/vm-NZMejagNmS/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:02:06.513652    3447 hyperstart.go:180] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] Wating for init messages...
I1225 11:02:06.513657    3447 hyperstart.go:455] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] stream socket connected
I1225 11:02:15.231229    3447 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] got cmd:1
I1225 11:02:15.232303    3447 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] send command 1 to init, payload: '{"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}'.
I1225 11:02:15.232343    3447 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] write 51 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:02:15.232353    3447 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] got cmd:0
I1225 11:02:15.232363    3447 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] send command 0 to init, payload: 'null'.
I1225 11:02:15.500534    3447 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:02:15.500601    3447 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:02:15.500624    3447 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 0
I1225 11:02:15.500682    3447 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] got cmd:14
I1225 11:02:15.500698    3447 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 8
I1225 11:02:15.500718    3447 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] got cmd:14
I1225 11:02:15.500729    3447 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 51
I1225 11:02:15.500766    3447 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] write 12 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:02:15.500788    3447 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] got cmd:9
I1225 11:02:15.575070    3447 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:02:15.577368    3447 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:02:15.581707    3447 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:02:15.590021    3447 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:02:15.606306    3447 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:02:15.638529    3447 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:02:15.659039    3447 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:02:15.659098    3447 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:02:15.659127    3447 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 4
I1225 11:02:15.659182    3447 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] got cmd:14
I1225 11:02:15.659193    3447 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 8
I1225 11:02:15.659225    3447 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] got cmd:14
I1225 11:02:15.659235    3447 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 12
I1225 11:02:15.659242    3447 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] got cmd:9
I1225 11:02:15.659254    3447 hyperstart.go:203] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] hyperstart API version:4244, VM hyperstart API version: 4244
I1225 11:02:15.702960    3447 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] got cmd:17
I1225 11:02:15.703117    3447 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] send command 17 to init, payload: '{"id":"testMaskNonExist","rootfs":"rootfs","image":"testMaskNonExist","sysctl":{"vm.overcommit_memory":"1"},"process":{"id":"init","terminal":false,"stdio":1,"stderr":2,"args":["ls","/testdata"],"envs":[{"env":"PATH","value":"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"},{"env":"TERM","value":"xterm"}],"workdir":"/"},"restartPolicy":"never","initialize":false,"readOnly":true}'.
I1225 11:02:15.703185    3447 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-NZMejagNmS] write 403 to hyperstart.
PASS: readonlypath_test.go:32: RunVSuite.TestReadonlyDir        14.636s
PASS: readonlypath_test.go:20: RunVSuite.TestReadonlyFile       13.374s
FAIL: readonlypath_test.go:8: RunVSuite.TestReadonlyNonExist
    c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "ls: foobar: No such file or directory\n")
... obtained string = ""
... substring string = "ls: foobar: No such file or directory\n"
Test case RunVSuite.TestReadonlyNonExist failed, retrieve runv log from directory /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/13:
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/13/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110318.3669 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:03:18
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:03:18.081478    3669 proxy.go:66] agent.NewJsonBasedHyperstart
I1225 11:03:18.082347    3669 proxy.go:71] proxy.NewServer
I1225 11:03:18.082421    3669 proxy.go:80] net.Listen() to grpcsock: /var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:03:18.082772    3669 proxy.go:87] proxy: grpc api on /var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:03:18.104015    3669 hyperstart.go:180] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] Wating for init messages...
I1225 11:03:18.104076    3669 hyperstart.go:455] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] stream socket connected
I1225 11:03:26.917042    3669 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] got cmd:1
I1225 11:03:26.918095    3669 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] send command 1 to init, payload: '{"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}'.
I1225 11:03:26.918151    3669 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] write 51 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:03:26.918163    3669 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] got cmd:0
I1225 11:03:26.918173    3669 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] send command 0 to init, payload: 'null'.
I1225 11:03:27.204502    3669 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:03:27.204581    3669 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:03:27.204603    3669 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 0
I1225 11:03:27.204625    3669 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] got cmd:14
I1225 11:03:27.204634    3669 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 8
I1225 11:03:27.204642    3669 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] got cmd:14
I1225 11:03:27.204649    3669 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] get command NEXT: send 51, receive 51
I1225 11:03:27.204673    3669 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] write 12 to hyperstart.
I1225 11:03:27.204682    3669 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] got cmd:9
I1225 11:03:27.272888    3669 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:03:27.275164    3669 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:03:27.279626    3669 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:03:27.287940    3669 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:03:27.304260    3669 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:03:27.336648    3669 hyperstart.go:215] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] delay version-awared command :17 by %!d(MISSING)ms
I1225 11:03:27.352875    3669 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:03:27.352936    3669 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] readVmMessage code: 14, len: 4
I1225 11:03:27.352966    3669 hyperstart.go:377] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] readVmMessage code: 9, len: 4
I1225 11:03:27.352989    3669 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] got cmd:14
I1225 11:03:27.353005    3669 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 8
I1225 11:03:27.353021    3669 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] got cmd:14
I1225 11:03:27.353035    3669 hyperstart.go:284] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] get command NEXT: send 12, receive 12
I1225 11:03:27.353050    3669 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] got cmd:9
I1225 11:03:27.353071    3669 hyperstart.go:203] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] hyperstart API version:4244, VM hyperstart API version: 4244
I1225 11:03:27.401029    3669 hyperstart.go:259] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] got cmd:17
I1225 11:03:27.401256    3669 hyperstart.go:344] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] send command 17 to init, payload: '{"id":"testReadonlyNonExist","rootfs":"rootfs","image":"testReadonlyNonExist","sysctl":{"vm.overcommit_memory":"1"},"process":{"id":"init","terminal":false,"stdio":1,"stderr":2,"args":["ls","foobar"],"envs":[{"env":"PATH","value":"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"},{"env":"TERM","value":"xterm"}],"workdir":"/"},"restartPolicy":"never","initialize":false,"readOnly":false}'.
I1225 11:03:27.401331    3669 hyperstart.go:356] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] write 409 to hyperstart.
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/13/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110318.3677 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:03:18
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:03:18.126844    3677 watcher.go:46] watchHyperstart
I1225 11:03:18.127669    3677 watcher.go:50] watchConsole() sock: /var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/console.sock
I1225 11:03:22.408551    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Linux version 4.12.4-hyper+ (teawater@teawater-virtual-machine) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) ) #1 SMP Thu Jul 19 11:23:27 CST 2018
I1225 11:03:22.420852    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 11:03:22.431986    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 11:03:22.458265    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers'
I1225 11:03:22.474527    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x002: 'SSE registers'
I1225 11:03:22.490995    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x004: 'AVX registers'
I1225 11:03:22.506793    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: xstate_offset[2]:  576, xstate_sizes[2]:  256
I1225 11:03:22.531939    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/fpu: Enabled xstate features 0x7, context size is 832 bytes, using 'standard' format.
I1225 11:03:22.542881    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
I1225 11:03:22.560417    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable
I1225 11:03:22.578425    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved
I1225 11:03:22.596831    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000f0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved
I1225 11:03:22.616571    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff] usable
I1225 11:03:22.635642    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000007fff000-0x0000000007ffffff] reserved
I1225 11:03:22.653840    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fc000000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
I1225 11:03:22.665304    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
I1225 11:03:22.671428    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SMBIOS 2.4 present.
I1225 11:03:22.683182    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: DMI: Xen HVM domU, BIOS 4.9.2 04/16/2018
I1225 11:03:22.691751    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hypervisor detected: Xen HVM
I1225 11:03:22.697116    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Xen version 4.9.
I1225 11:03:22.724545    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Netfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated NICs.
I1225 11:03:22.752317    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Blkfront and the Xen platform PCI driver have been compiled for this kernel: unplug emulated disks.
I1225 11:03:22.763626    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: You might have to change the root device
I1225 11:03:22.773501    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: from /dev/hd[a-d] to /dev/xvd[a-d]
I1225 11:03:22.787256    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: in your root= kernel command line option
I1225 11:03:22.797588    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 11:03:22.810098    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 11:03:22.826007    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: No reference (HPET/PMTIMER) available
I1225 11:03:22.843463    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: last_pfn = 0x7fff max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
I1225 11:03:22.861109    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB  WC  UC- UC  WB  WC  UC- WT
I1225 11:03:22.871889    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAMDISK: [mem 0x078cf000-0x07feffff]
I1225 11:03:22.886342    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled
I1225 11:03:22.900910    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000F6BB0 000024 (v02 Xen   )
I1225 11:03:22.926974    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000FC00A390 00004C (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:03:22.953788    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACP 0x00000000FC00A1A0 0000F4 (v04 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:03:22.982258    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000FC001170 008FAC (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:03:22.997069    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 11:03:23.009789    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000FC001130 000040
I1225 11:03:23.036719    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET 0x00000000FC00A2A0 000038 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:03:23.059578    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: WAET 0x00000000FC00A2E0 000028 (v01 Xen    HVM      00000000 HVML 00000000)
I1225 11:03:23.082557    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A310 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:03:23.105683    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000FC00A350 000031 (v02 Xen    HVM      00000000 INTL 20180105)
I1225 11:03:23.113977    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: No NUMA configuration found
I1225 11:03:23.131348    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Faking a node at [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:03:23.145951    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x078bd000-0x078cefff]
I1225 11:03:23.150173    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Zone ranges:
I1225 11:03:23.166541    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA      [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff]
I1225 11:03:23.183822    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   DMA32    [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:03:23.190083    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   Normal   empty
I1225 11:03:23.201447    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Movable zone start for each node
I1225 11:03:23.210476    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Early memory node ranges
I1225 11:03:23.228118    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff]
I1225 11:03:23.244486    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:03:23.263585    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000007ffefff]
I1225 11:03:23.272894    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0xb008
I1225 11:03:23.285396    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
I1225 11:03:23.298225    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Boot CPU (id 0) not listed by BIOS
I1225 11:03:23.310114    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
I1225 11:03:23.327516    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: e820: [mem 0x08000000-0xfbffffff] available for PCI devices
I1225 11:03:23.339642    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Booting paravirtualized kernel on Xen HVM
I1225 11:03:23.368862    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1910969940391419 ns
I1225 11:03:23.388973    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:64 nr_cpumask_bits:64 nr_cpu_ids:1 nr_node_ids:1
I1225 11:03:23.411721    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: percpu: Embedded 36 pages/cpu @ffff880007600000 s109656 r8192 d29608 u2097152
I1225 11:03:23.429113    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PV qspinlock hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:03:23.450993    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 32136
I1225 11:03:23.456948    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Policy zone: DMA32
I1225 11:03:23.469948    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 pci=nomsi
I1225 11:03:23.484660    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:03:23.523045    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Memory: 110264K/130676K available (5302K kernel code, 557K rwdata, 1640K rodata, 1216K init, 668K bss, 20412K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
I1225 11:03:23.532891    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Hierarchical RCU implementation.
I1225 11:03:23.548789    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole:         RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=64 to nr_cpu_ids=1.
I1225 11:03:23.566339    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=1
I1225 11:03:23.574772    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NR_IRQS:4352 nr_irqs:32 16
I1225 11:03:23.584825    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Using FIFO-based ABI
I1225 11:03:23.603793    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:events: Xen HVM callback vector for event delivery is enabled
I1225 11:03:23.614149    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Console: colour dummy device 80x25
I1225 11:03:23.621555    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: console [ttyS0] enabled
I1225 11:03:23.647845    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: hpet: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 30580167144 ns
I1225 11:03:23.659353    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed
I1225 11:03:23.706882    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Unable to calibrate against PIT
I1225 11:03:23.718919    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: HPET/PMTIMER calibration failed
I1225 11:03:23.730920    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: tsc: Detected 1999.832 MHz processor
I1225 11:03:23.762876    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3999.66 BogoMIPS (lpj=1999832)
I1225 11:03:23.777916    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
I1225 11:03:23.789863    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Core revision 20170303
I1225 11:03:23.815510    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: 3 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded
I1225 11:03:23.829589    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: setting ELCR to 0200 (from 0c20)
I1225 11:03:23.849991    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
I1225 11:03:23.870149    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
I1225 11:03:23.889592    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:03:23.910311    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
I1225 11:03:23.920017    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: random: fast init done
I1225 11:03:23.931782    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Disabled fast string operations
I1225 11:03:23.942602    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
I1225 11:03:23.951983    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
I1225 11:03:23.966775    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8
I1225 11:03:23.985588    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 32, 4MB 32, 1GB 0
I1225 11:03:24.007323    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 24K
I1225 11:03:24.020022    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Max logical packages: 1
I1225 11:03:24.032814    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP motherboard not detected
I1225 11:03:24.041304    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: SMP disabled
I1225 11:03:24.060321    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Not enabling interrupt remapping due to skipped IO-APIC setup
I1225 11:03:24.093120    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: xen: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x1cd42e4dffb, max_idle_ns: 881590591483 ns
I1225 11:03:24.106524    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: installing Xen timer for CPU 0
I1225 11:03:24.117034    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpu 0 spinlock event irq 21
I1225 11:03:24.142005    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 45 no PMU driver, software events only.
I1225 11:03:24.153287    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
I1225 11:03:24.162371    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU
I1225 11:03:24.179742    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (3999.66 BogoMIPS)
I1225 11:03:24.200803    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: sched_clock: Marking stable (465000000, 0)->(329002236897, -328537236897)
I1225 11:03:24.207805    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: devtmpfs: initialized
I1225 11:03:24.217420    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB
I1225 11:03:24.246858    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275000 ns
I1225 11:03:24.262116    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 11:03:24.272643    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 16
I1225 11:03:24.283075    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor ladder
I1225 11:03:24.292493    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cpuidle: using governor menu
I1225 11:03:24.299621    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCCT header not found.
I1225 11:03:24.309780    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: bus type PCI registered
I1225 11:03:24.326105    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
I1225 11:03:24.341013    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
I1225 11:03:24.351487    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
I1225 11:03:24.361576    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
I1225 11:03:24.372555    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
I1225 11:03:24.385494    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
I1225 11:03:24.401393    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Interpreter enabled
I1225 11:03:24.408350    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: (supports S0 S5)
I1225 11:03:24.419361    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Using PIC for interrupt routing
I1225 11:03:24.444534    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
I1225 11:03:24.472333    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
I1225 11:03:24.489024    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [ASPM ClockPM Segments]
I1225 11:03:24.506139    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM
I1225 11:03:24.516102    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [3] registered
I1225 11:03:24.525032    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [4] registered
I1225 11:03:24.533932    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [5] registered
I1225 11:03:24.542786    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [6] registered
I1225 11:03:24.552160    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [7] registered
I1225 11:03:24.561738    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [8] registered
I1225 11:03:24.571704    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [9] registered
I1225 11:03:24.581531    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [10] registered
I1225 11:03:24.591519    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [11] registered
I1225 11:03:24.601590    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [12] registered
I1225 11:03:24.611574    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [13] registered
I1225 11:03:24.621423    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [14] registered
I1225 11:03:24.630773    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [15] registered
I1225 11:03:24.640185    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [16] registered
I1225 11:03:24.649718    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [17] registered
I1225 11:03:24.659509    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [18] registered
I1225 11:03:24.668719    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [19] registered
I1225 11:03:24.678118    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [20] registered
I1225 11:03:24.687578    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [21] registered
I1225 11:03:24.697650    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [22] registered
I1225 11:03:24.707239    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [23] registered
I1225 11:03:24.716914    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [24] registered
I1225 11:03:24.726223    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [25] registered
I1225 11:03:24.735355    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [26] registered
I1225 11:03:24.744855    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [27] registered
I1225 11:03:24.754030    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [28] registered
I1225 11:03:24.763299    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [29] registered
I1225 11:03:24.772443    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [30] registered
I1225 11:03:24.781537    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: acpiphp: Slot [31] registered
I1225 11:03:24.791064    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
I1225 11:03:24.808852    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
I1225 11:03:24.826751    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0d00-0xffff window]
I1225 11:03:24.846804    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
I1225 11:03:24.866803    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf0000000-0xfbffffff window]
I1225 11:03:24.880433    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
I1225 11:03:24.939793    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io  0x01f0-0x01f7]
I1225 11:03:24.956400    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io  0x03f6]
I1225 11:03:24.975276    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io  0x0170-0x0177]
I1225 11:03:24.992232    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io  0x0376]
I1225 11:03:25.024257    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb000-0xb03f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI
I1225 11:03:25.043301    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io  0xb100-0xb10f] claimed by PIIX4 SMB
I1225 11:03:25.159074    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 11:03:25.174553    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 5 *10 11)
I1225 11:03:25.189960    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 5 10 *11)
I1225 11:03:25.205131    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs *5 10 11)
I1225 11:03:25.220495    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: Enabled 2 GPEs in block 00 to 0F
I1225 11:03:25.232739    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:balloon: Initialising balloon driver
I1225 11:03:25.243033    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: vgaarb: loaded
I1225 11:03:25.251337    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SCSI subsystem initialized
I1225 11:03:25.260974    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
I1225 11:03:25.283720    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: HPET: 3 timers in total, 0 timers will be used for per-cpu timer
I1225 11:03:25.299921    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: Switched to clocksource xen
I1225 11:03:25.306967    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI init
I1225 11:03:25.325965    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:00: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved
I1225 11:03:25.341387    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x08a0-0x08a3] has been reserved
I1225 11:03:25.357181    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x0cc0-0x0ccf] has been reserved
I1225 11:03:25.372308    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:01: [io  0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved
I1225 11:03:25.387951    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xae00-0xae0f] has been reserved
I1225 11:03:25.402966    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: system 00:07: [io  0xb044-0xb047] has been reserved
I1225 11:03:25.413774    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pnp: PnP ACPI: found 8 devices
I1225 11:03:25.444780    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns
I1225 11:03:25.454984    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 2
I1225 11:03:25.472925    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:03:25.489170    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
I1225 11:03:25.504948    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
I1225 11:03:25.519280    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:03:25.534807    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
I1225 11:03:25.544714    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 1
I1225 11:03:25.559304    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers
I1225 11:03:25.573556    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release
I1225 11:03:25.589377    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pci 0000:00:01.0: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds
I1225 11:03:25.603919    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
I1225 11:03:25.756847    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing initrd memory: 7300K
I1225 11:03:25.780149    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: API unit is 2^-32 Joules, 3 fixed counters, 10737418240 ms ovfl timer
I1225 11:03:25.794617    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain pp0-core 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:03:25.808415    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain package 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:03:25.821707    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain dram 2^-0 Joules
I1225 11:03:25.839446    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: workingset: timestamp_bits=37 max_order=15 bucket_order=0
I1225 11:03:25.856099    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, no debug enabled
I1225 11:03:25.869935    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9p: Installing v9fs 9p2000 file system support
I1225 11:03:25.895606    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 253)
I1225 11:03:25.904553    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler noop registered
I1225 11:03:25.917102    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler cfq registered (default)
I1225 11:03:25.929919    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler mq-deadline registered
I1225 11:03:25.939510    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: io scheduler kyber registered
I1225 11:03:25.956898    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 11:03:25.993573    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at IRQ 5
I1225 11:03:26.031586    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 11
I1225 11:03:26.047628    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen:grant_table: Grant tables using version 1 layout
I1225 11:03:26.055256    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Grant table initialized
I1225 11:03:26.072068    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
I1225 11:03:26.157044    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 00:06: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A
I1225 11:03:26.338894    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: brd: module loaded
I1225 11:03:26.346934    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: loop: module loaded
I1225 11:03:26.364904    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Invalid max_queues (4), will use default max: 1.
I1225 11:03:26.384885    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xen_netfront: Initialising Xen virtual ethernet driver
I1225 11:03:26.402978    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
I1225 11:03:26.423899    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: alarms up to one day, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
I1225 11:03:26.433942    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initializing XFRM netlink socket
I1225 11:03:26.445430    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 10
I1225 11:03:26.453732    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Segment Routing with IPv6
I1225 11:03:26.464428    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: NET: Registered protocol family 17
I1225 11:03:26.473629    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Bridge firewalling registered
I1225 11:03:26.483499    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: 9pnet: Installing 9P2000 support
I1225 11:03:26.494237    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Initialising Xen transport for 9pfs
I1225 11:03:26.512028    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: registered taskstats version 1
I1225 11:03:26.535771    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: xenbus_probe_frontend: Device with no driver: device/vkbd/0
I1225 11:03:26.558592    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtc_cmos 00:02: setting system clock to 2019-12-25 11:03:26 UTC (1577271806)
I1225 11:03:26.575714    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 1216K
I1225 11:03:26.590455    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 8192k
I1225 11:03:26.601979    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 828K
I1225 11:03:26.614107    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: Freeing unused kernel memory: 408K
I1225 11:03:26.626559    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rodata_test: all tests were successful
I1225 11:03:26.646360    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 11:03:26.658366    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: < Hyperstart Version: 1.1.0, commit: v1.1.0
I1225 11:03:26.675619    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: <**********************************************************************
I1225 11:03:26.681875    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.09 0.04
I1225 11:03:26.693155    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/shm
I1225 11:03:26.701397    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /dev/pts
I1225 11:03:26.712486    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:00.0
I1225 11:03:26.724665    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:03:26.736011    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.3
I1225 11:03:26.748911    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:03:26.759455    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:03.0
I1225 11:03:26.771873    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 3
I1225 11:03:26.782554    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.1
I1225 11:03:26.795143    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:03:26.805671    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:02.0
I1225 11:03:26.817779    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 5853 ID: 1
I1225 11:03:26.828314    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:01.0
I1225 11:03:26.840537    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 1100
I1225 11:03:26.851236    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: probe /sys/bus/pci/devices//0000:00:04.0
I1225 11:03:26.863267    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: found vendor: 1af4 ID: 9
I1225 11:03:26.871140    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cannot find vsock device
I1225 11:03:26.880155    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p1
I1225 11:03:26.889268    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: find hyper channel /dev/vport0p2
I1225 11:03:26.899948    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: ctl: /dev/vport0p1, tty: /dev/vport0p2
I1225 11:03:26.907863    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p1 get 3
I1225 11:03:26.914743    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: send ready message
I1225 11:03:26.924047    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: open /dev/vport0p2 get 4
I1225 11:03:26.940262    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ctlfd event 0x8e037db3a8, ops 0x8e037db080, fd 3
I1225 11:03:26.956066    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 3, 0x8e037db080
I1225 11:03:26.978360    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_init_event hyper ttyfd event 0x8e037db3e8, ops 0x8e037db060, fd 4
I1225 11:03:26.989919    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 4, 0x8e037db060
I1225 11:03:27.001041    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_add_event add event fd 6, 0x8e037db320
I1225 11:03:27.017458    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0x8e037db3a8, fd 3, 0x8e037db080
I1225 11:03:27.026828    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:03:27.041894    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x8e037db3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:03:27.051054    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 51
I1225 11:03:27.060735    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:03:27.072738    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 1, len 51
I1225 11:03:27.090307    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: call hyper_start_pod, json {"hostname":"shell","shareDir":"share_dir"}, len 43
I1225 11:03:27.097554    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp
I1225 11:03:27.106538    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper
I1225 11:03:27.117965    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: finish rescan
I1225 11:03:27.127829    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shared
I1225 11:03:27.140265    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shm
I1225 11:03:27.146395    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pod init pid 74
I1225 11:03:27.156403    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper send pod inited event: normal
I1225 11:03:27.166941    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/hyperstart
I1225 11:03:27.173142    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: uptime 2.58 0.04
I1225 11:03:27.185422    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 0
I1225 11:03:27.202540    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0x8e037db3a8, fd 3, 0x8e037db080
I1225 11:03:27.224827    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x8e037db3a8, event 8193
I1225 11:03:27.251307    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0x8e037db4a8, fd 6, 0x8e037db320
I1225 11:03:27.270873    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLIN, he 0x8e037db3a8, fd 3, 0x8e037db080
I1225 11:03:27.281607    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:03:27.297777    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x8e037db3a8, event 8197
I1225 11:03:27.307279    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlfd_read: get length 12
I1225 11:03:27.316532    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 14, len 4
I1225 11:03:27.326296    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_ctlmsg_handle, type 0, len 12
I1225 11:03:27.335055    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper ctl append type 9, len 4
I1225 11:03:27.351205    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_handle_event event EPOLLOUT, he 0x8e037db3a8, fd 3, 0x8e037db080
I1225 11:03:27.366164    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: hyper_modify_event modify event fd 3, 0x8e037db3a8, event 8193
I1225 11:03:27.374902    3677 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pid 73 exit normally, status 0
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/13/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110317.3641 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:03:17
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1225 11:03:17.540541    3641 sandbox.go:29] Using kernel: /root/go/src/; Initrd: /root/go/src/; bios: ; cbfs: ;
I1225 11:03:18.033952    3641 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:03:18.052670    3641 xen.go:169] Start VM as domain 12
I1225 11:03:18.052750    3641 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:03:18.052791    3641 sandbox.go:231] grpcSock stat: <nil>, err: &os.PathError{Op:"stat", Path:"/var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/kata-agent.sock", Err:0x2}
I1225 11:03:18.053147    3641 proxy.go:127] start proxy with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/13 proxy --vmid vm-dKJYotnsqG --proxy-hyperstart /var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/kata-agent.sock --hyperstart-ctl-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/hyper.sock --hyperstart-stream-sock unix:///var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/tty.sock]
I1225 11:03:18.054645    3641 proxy.go:133] createProxy succeeded with proxy pid: 3669
I1225 11:03:18.096216    3641 vm.go:568] VM[vm-dKJYotnsqG] GetVm succeeded
I1225 11:03:18.096585    3641 watcher.go:93] start watcher with argument: [runv --root /run/runv --debug --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/13 watcher --watch-vm-console /var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/console.sock --console-proto telnet --watch-hyperstart --watch-vm]
I1225 11:03:18.097943    3641 watcher.go:99] createWatcher succeeded with watcher pid: 3677
I1225 11:03:18.098117    3641 vm_states.go:158] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] startPod: sharetag:share_dir, &api.SandboxConfig{Hostname:"shell", Dns:[]string(nil), Neighbors:(*api.NeighborNetworks)(nil), DnsOptions:[]string(nil), DnsSearch:[]string(nil)}
I1225 11:03:27.205538    3641 vm_states.go:161] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] pod start successfully
I1225 11:03:27.205616    3641 sandbox.go:110] vm-dKJYotnsqG init sandbox successfully
I1225 11:03:27.208577    3641 container.go:76] vm.AddContainer()
I1225 11:03:27.208686    3641 container.go:216] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] Con[testReadonlyNonExist] all images and volume resources have been added to sandbox
I1225 11:03:27.208699    3641 vm_states.go:30] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] start sending create container
I1225 11:03:27.220523    3641 vm_states.go:33] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] sent create container
I1225 11:03:27.220699    3641 shim.go:226] starting shim with args runv --root /run/runv --log_dir /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/13/shim-testReadonlyNonExist --debug shim --container testReadonlyNonExist --process init --proxy-stdio --proxy-exit-code --proxy-signal
I1225 11:03:27.222313    3641 container.go:140] save state id testReadonlyNonExist, boundle /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0
I1225 11:03:27.222634    3641 network.go:261] get exec path /usr/local/bin/runv
I1225 11:03:27.255661    3641 network.go:110] interface configuration for sandbox ns is []main.InterfaceInfo{}
I1225 11:03:27.256038    3641 network.go:314] nsListener pid is 3695
I1225 11:03:27.268551    3641 xen.go:93] got SIGCHLD, send msg to libxl
I1225 11:03:27.269981    3641 hypervisor.go:22] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] main event loop got message 9(COMMAND_RELEASE)
I1225 11:03:27.270010    3641 vm_states.go:214] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] pod is running, got release command, let VM fly
I1225 11:03:27.270025    3641 context.go:216] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] state change from RUNNING to 'NONE'
I1225 11:03:27.270042    3641 hypervisor.go:30] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] main event loop exiting
I1225 11:03:27.270773    3641 hypervisor.go:60] VM vm-dKJYotnsqG trying to reload with serialized data: {"PersistVersion":20171210,"Id":"vm-dKJYotnsqG","Paused":false,"DriverInfo":{"domid":12,"hypervisor":"xen"},"SandboxConfig":{"Hostname":"shell","Dns":null,"Neighbors":null,"DnsOptions":null,"DnsSearch":null},"HwStat":{"PciAddr":5,"ScsiId":0,"AttachId":0,"GuestCid":0},"VolumeList":[{"Name":"testReadonlyNonExist","Filename":"testReadonlyNonExist","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","DeviceName":"","ScsiId":0,"ContainerIds":["testReadonlyNonExist"],"IsRootVol":true,"MontPoints":null}],"NetworkList":[],"PortList":[],"Containers":{"testReadonlyNonExist":{"Id":"testReadonlyNonExist","Name":"shell","Image":"","Labels":{},"StopSignal":"","RootVolume":{"Name":"testReadonlyNonExist","Source":"testReadonlyNonExist","Format":"vfs","Fstype":"dir","Options":null,"DockerVolume":false,"ReadOnly":false},"RootPath":"rootfs","UGI":null,"Volumes":null,"Initialize":false,"OciSpec":{"ociVersion":"1.0.1","process":{"user":{"uid":0,"gid":0},"args":["ls","foobar"],"env":["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin","TERM=xterm"],"cwd":"/"},"root":{"path":""},"hostname":"shell","linux":{"resources":{},"namespaces":[{"type":"pid"},{"type":"network"},{"type":"ipc"},{"type":"uts"}],"readonlyPaths":["foobar"]}}}}}
I1225 11:03:27.271061    3641 hypervisor.go:69] VM vm-dKJYotnsqG trying to reload with deserialized pinfo: &hypervisor.PersistInfo{PersistVersion:20171210, Id:"vm-dKJYotnsqG", Paused:false, DriverInfo:map[string]interface {}{"domid":12, "hypervisor":"xen"}, SandboxConfig:(*api.SandboxConfig)(0xc00028b500), HwStat:(*hypervisor.VmHwStatus)(0xc00003cc60), VolumeList:[]*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo{(*hypervisor.PersistVolumeInfo)(0xc000291320)}, NetworkList:[]*hypervisor.PersistNetworkInfo{}, PortList:[]*api.PortDescription{}, Containers:map[string]*api.ContainerDescription{"testReadonlyNonExist":(*api.ContainerDescription)(0xc000348000)}}
I1225 11:03:27.271198    3641 sandbox.go:229] newHyperstart() on socket: /var/run/hyper/vm-dKJYotnsqG/kata-agent.sock
I1225 11:03:27.271406    3641 vm_states.go:51] SB[vm-dKJYotnsqG] start sending INIT_NEWCONTAINER
PASS: start_test.go:18: RunVSuite.TestStartHelloworld   13.622s
SKIP: start_test.go:29: RunVSuite.TestStartPid (enable this after fixing)
FAIL: start_test.go:84: RunVSuite.TestStartWithTty
    c.Fatal("timeout waiting for start to exit")
... Error: timeout waiting for start to exit
Test case RunVSuite.TestStartWithTty failed, retrieve runv log from directory /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/16:
FAIL: state_test.go:30: RunVSuite.TestStateSleep
    c.Assert(decoder.Decode(cs), checker.IsNil)
... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"EOF"} ("EOF")
    c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("out: %s, exitCode: %d", out, exitCode))
... value *exec.ExitError = &exec.ExitError{ProcessState:(*os.ProcessState)(0xc0001c4f40), Stderr:[]uint8(nil)} ("signal: terminated")
... out: , exitCode: -1
Test case RunVSuite.TestStateSleep failed, retrieve runv log from directory /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/17:
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/17/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110433.3964 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:04:33
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/17/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110432.3933 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:04:32
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
Log of  /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/17/runv.xenrunv.root.log.INFO.20191225-110433.3957 :
Log file created at: 2019/12/25 11:04:33
Running on machine: xenrunv
Binary: Built with gc go1.13.5 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
WARNING: Error cleaning up temporaries: unlinkat /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0/rootfs: device or resource busyOOPS: 7 passed, 1 skipped, 9 FAILED
--- FAIL: Test (355.29s)
exit status 1
FAIL    355.300s
Makefile:597: recipe for target 'go-integration' failed
make: *** [go-integration] Error 1
root@xenrunv:~/go/src/ ls /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0/rootfs
root@xenrunv:~/go/src/ ls /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0/rootfs/
root@xenrunv:~/go/src/ ls /tmp/check-5577006791947779410/0
root@xenrunv:~/go/src/ df -h
Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev                               929M     0  929M   0% /dev
tmpfs                              192M  1.5M  191M   1% /run
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv   40G  7.2G   30G  20% /
tmpfs                              960M     0  960M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                              5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs                              960M     0  960M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop0                          90M   90M     0 100% /snap/core/8268
/dev/loop1                          89M   89M     0 100% /snap/core/7270
/dev/loop2                          77M   77M     0 100% /snap/kata-containers/518
/dev/loop3                          89M   89M     0 100% /snap/go/4901
/dev/sda2                          976M   81M  829M   9% /boot
tmpfs                              192M     0  192M   0% /run/user/1000
root@xenrunv:~/go/src/ lsblk
loop0                       7:0    0 89.1M  1 loop /snap/core/8268
loop1                       7:1    0 88.5M  1 loop /snap/core/7270
loop2                       7:2    0 76.8M  1 loop /snap/kata-containers/518
loop3                       7:3    0 88.6M  1 loop /snap/go/4901
sda                         8:0    0   64G  0 disk
├─sda1                      8:1    0    1M  0 part
├─sda2                      8:2    0    1G  0 part /boot
└─sda3                      8:3    0   63G  0 part
  └─ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv 253:0    0   40G  0 lvm  /
sr0                        11:0    1 1024M  0 rom
root@xenrunv:~/go/src/ xl list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0  2048     6     r-----     307.8
vm-cKqhHCEzRr                                1   127     1     ------       2.1
vm-odjDQXDajs                                2   127     1     ------       2.2
vm-vZdNaJzwMU                                6   127     1     ---s--       2.2
vm-ltCUXFiKlz                                7   127     1     ------       2.3
vm-NZMejagNmS                                9   127     1     ------       2.2
vm-dKJYotnsqG                               12   127     1     ------       2.2
vm-cfaDMoqGyr                               14   127     1     ------       2.2
vm-KfyuBlguxX                               15   127     1     ---s--       2.2