Host machine:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz
MemTotal: 3852592 kB
Ubuntu Desktop 18.04
At host machine:
cd github/itmo-eve/eveadm/
git clone
sudo ./tests/run_local_eve.sh -m 3000
After the question
Do you want to cleanup? (y/n)
I didn’t press any keys.
On browser:
Node settings:
Name - kor01
Title - test mode 01
Project - default-project
Identify Type - Onboarding Key
Brand - ZedVirtualDevice
Onboarding Key - insert key from result execute run_local_eve.sh
Model - ZedVirtual-4G
Serial Number - insert number from result execute run_local_eve.sh
Network - defaultIPv4-net (for both interfaces)
Selected "Activate Edge Node" on bottom left of the screen.
Pressed "Add".
Run test_domainmgr.py:
sudo ./tests/test_domainmgr.py 49317
Creating mqtt-eclipse-broker app
On browser:
Pressed "Deploy Edge App".
Application settings:
Name - kora011
Title - test application 011
Edge Node - select kor01
Edge App - mqtt-eclipse-broker (selected by default)
Network Instance - defaultLocal-kor01 (selected by default)
Pressed "Add".
As a result status of my node kor02 "Online", status of my application kora011 "Error".
Log test_domainmgr.py with actions marks Create, Stop, Start, Delete:
CREATE domainmgr.doActivate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:32:09.635175688Z) [error] kora011 message: unable to create mountPointFile: createMountPointFile: Number of volumes provided: 0 is less than number of mount-points: 2. domainmgr.handleCreate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:32:09.636665805Z) [info] 'kora011' created STOP domainmgr.doInactivate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:33:58.730515778Z) [info] 'kora011' deactivated START domainmgr.doInactivate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:34:53.921172551Z) [info] 'kora011' deactivated RESTART domainmgr.doActivate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:35:29.73712613Z ) [error] kora011 message: unable to create mountPointFile: createMountPointFile: Number of volumes provided: 0 is less than number of mount-points: 2. domainmgr.doInactivate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:35:47.352400184Z) [info] 'kora011' deactivated domainmgr.doActivate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:36:23.989767455Z) [error] kora011 message: unable to create mountPointFile: createMountPointFile: Number of volumes provided: 0 is less than number of mount-points: 2. RESTART&PURGE domainmgr.doInactivate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:39:02.553658219Z) [info] 'kora011' deactivated domainmgr.doInactivate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:39:25.453126262Z) [info] 'kora011' deactivated domainmgr.doActivate: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:40:01.210665269Z) [error] kora011 message: unable to create mountPointFile: createMountPointFile: Number of volumes provided: 0 is less than number of mount-points: 2. DELETE domainmgr.handleDelete: kora011 (2020-02-27T16:54:30.55480892Z ) [info] 'kora011' deleted
Creating ubuntu-xenial-16.04 app
On browser:
Selected ubuntu-xenial-16.04.
Pressed "Deploy Edge App".
Application settings:
Name - kora012
Title - test application 012
Edge Node - select kor01
Edge App - ubuntu-xenial-16.04 (selected by default)
Network Instance - defaultLocal-kor01 (selected by default)
Pressed "Add".
As a result status of my application kora012 "Online".
Log test_domainmgr.py with actions marks Create, Stop, Start, Delete:
CREATE domainmgr.doActivateTail: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:11:19.205090234Z) [info] 'kora012' activated domainmgr.handleCreate: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:11:23.624455169Z) [info] 'kora012' created STOP domainmgr.doInactivate: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:13:52.896889514Z) [info] 'kora012' deactivated START domainmgr.doActivateTail: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:14:48.74960913Z ) [info] 'kora012' activated RESTART domainmgr.doInactivate: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:17:28.071590249Z) [info] 'kora012' deactivated domainmgr.doActivateTail: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:17:33.5363544Z ) [info] 'kora012' activated RESTART&PURGE domainmgr.doInactivate: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:20:30.902976423Z) [info] 'kora012' deactivated domainmgr.handleDelete: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:20:31.127966743Z) [info] 'kora012' deleted domainmgr.doActivateTail: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:24:26.656870463Z) [info] 'kora012' activated domainmgr.handleCreate: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:24:31.974278705Z) [info] 'kora012' created DELETE domainmgr.doInactivate: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:29:24.68868909Z ) [info] 'kora012' deactivated domainmgr.handleDelete: kora012 (2020-02-27T20:29:24.862774023Z) [info] 'kora012' deleted
Creating AlpineDocker app
On browser:
Selected "alpinedocker".
Pressed "Deploy Edge App".
Application settings:
Name - kora013
Title - test application 013
Edge Node - select kor01
Edge App - AlpineDocker (selected by default)
Network Instance - defaultLocal-kor01 (selected by default)
Pressed "Add".
As a result status of my application kora013 "Online".
Log test_domainmgr.py with actions marks Create, Stop, Start, Delete:
CREATE domainmgr.doActivateTail: kora013 (2020-02-27T20:33:30.655995817Z) [info] 'kora013' activated domainmgr.handleCreate: kora013 (2020-02-27T20:33:33.437333567Z) [info] 'kora013' created STOP STOP START RESTART&PURGE domainmgr.doInactivate: kora013 (2020-02-27T20:51:48.784032821Z) [info] 'kora013' deactivated domainmgr.doActivateTail: kora013 (2020-02-27T20:52:27.606863388Z) [info] 'kora013' activated RESTART domainmgr.doInactivate: kora013 (2020-02-27T20:54:44.249791698Z) [info] 'kora013' deactivated domainmgr.doActivateTail: kora013 (2020-02-27T20:55:20.716754561Z) [info] 'kora013' activated STOP
When I run the Stop and Start actions in the ZedControl web interface for the AlpineDocker application from the App Marketplace, I get an error message:
"Deactivate Request to Edge App Instance 'kora013' failed: Invalid characters in Title"
but the title "test application 013" was taken when creating the application without any comment.
Error bug reported to
With title "test application 014" I get the same message error -- "Invalid characters in Title". But with title "test app 015" -- without errors, and after changed title to "test application 015" -- also without errors.