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Datacom-SDN class instruction

by Sasha Shkrebets last modified Feb 25, 2022 08:20 AM
The class invitation code: L1XkjC
The class invitation code has been generated:L1XkjC and sent to the email address associated with your Huawei account


Follow the process of Create Class > Add Student > Prepare for Teaching>Start Class to create your class

How can a student join a class?

1. Search for a class: Five minutes after a class is released, students can search for the class on the Learning page of the Huawei Talent platform and register for the class.
Note: To search for a class, a student must have created a Huawei account and associated the account with an academy

2. Use a class invitation code (recommended): After a class is successfully created, the system automatically sends the class invitation code to the email address associated with your Huawei account. Forward the class invitation code to the students of your class so that they can use their Huawei accounts and the class invitation code to join the class on the Huawei Talent platform
Note: For users who are not associated with the academy, the instructor needs to approve them one by one in the student information column on the class details page, regardless of whether the class is approved. If the instructor approves the approval, the user joins the class and academy at the same time.

3. You can also go to the Class Details page to import students in batches or add a student's Huawei account to add the student to a class
Note: A student must have created a Huawei account and associated the account with an academy. Otherwise, the student cannot be added to the class.