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by Sasha Shkrebets published Apr 27, 2021 last modified Mar 20, 2023 08:09 AM
В этой лекции мы расскажем о программно-определяемой сети применительно к междоменной маршрутизации. Теперь программно определяемые сети, как мы видели, изменяют способ управления сетями, начиная от центров обработки данных, магистральных сетей, предприятий и т. д. Но до сих пор большинство из того, что мы видели, - это приложения SDN для внутренних сетей, которые позволяют использовать такие технологии, как виртуализация сети , проектирование трафика и т.д. В этой лекции мы расскажем о том, как SDN может коренным образом изменить способ доставки трафика между независимыми сетями.
Located in Users / / Dr. Nick Feamster - Software Defined Networking (Coursera) / Неделя 7 (Week 7)
Internet of Things and Pervasive Computing research area
by admin published Nov 29, 2013 last modified Mar 28, 2014 01:53 PM
Located in Projects
Интеграционные тесты runv
by Petr Fedchenkov published Dec 26, 2019 last modified Dec 27, 2019 11:14 AM
Located in Projects / EVE / runv
File audio/x-realaudio Интерфейсы. АРМ диспетчера. Личный кабинет пассажира
by Inna Sosunova last modified May 23, 2016 10:55 AM
Located in Projects / Intelligent Transportation Systems / Презентации
File Troff document Интернет вещей (IoT)
by Sasha Shkrebets last modified Apr 01, 2024 08:53 AM
работа Елены Спевак
Located in Users / / 2024 / Студенческие работы
File Introduction to Huawei Storage Planning and Design Tool (LLDesigner)
by Sasha Shkrebets last modified Sep 24, 2024 12:33 PM
Located in Users / / 2024 / Additional materials
by Oleg Sadov published Sep 28, 2015 last modified Sep 07, 2016 08:27 PM
Advanced Linux/Unix user and beginners admin. course.
Located in Education / ITMO / Department of Network and Cloud Technologies
by Sasha Shkrebets published Mar 04, 2023
Представление OpenFlow
Located in Users / / Бакалавриат / SDN_Theory
by Александр Шкребец published Dec 31, 2020 last modified Apr 26, 2021 03:45 PM — filed under: , ,
David Bombal /CCIE #11023, over 15 years of network training experience/ This is an introductory SDN and OpenFlow course explaining different visions of what SDN actually is. The course also shows you real world implementations of SDN in very large networks as well as highly secure networks. You will also learn about how OpenFlow separates the control and data planes of networking devices. You will then see a practical demonstration of an application communicating with an SDN controller and Open vSwitch devices. See the full SDN architecture as part of the demonstrations: SDN Applications SDN Controller OpenFlow switches See how hosts can be blocked using OpenFlow rules. Чему вы научитесь Differentiate between different visions of SDN Determine if SDN is "real" today Explain Open SDN, SDN via APIs, NFV and other related concepts Explain how flow tables are updated Существуют ли у курса какие-либо (предварительные) требования? This is an introduction - no preexisting knowledge is required Для кого этот курс: Network Engineers wanting to learn about the brave new world of SDN and OpenFlow
Located in Users / / SDN_Education / Udemy
by Sasha Shkrebets last modified Apr 12, 2023 08:06 AM
author - Anthony Gao
Located in Users / / Магистратура (Masters) / Masters work