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Channel to Lomonosov Moscow State University
by kairkanov published Mar 28, 2014 last modified Mar 28, 2014 01:44 PM — filed under: , ,
Our testbed in ITMO University is connected to MSU
Located in Projects / Software Defined Network / Testbed
File HP OpenFlow 1.3 Administrator Guide
by Oleg Sadov last modified Jan 21, 2015 06:31 AM
Wired Switches K/KA/KB/WB 15.15
Located in Projects / / Testbed / Technical documentation
File HP Switch Software
by Oleg Sadov last modified Jan 21, 2015 07:32 AM
Management and Configuration Guide. Published: February 2013 Edition: Software Version: K/KA.15.12
Located in Projects / / Testbed / Technical documentation
Technical documentation
by Oleg Sadov published Feb 21, 2015
Located in Projects / Software Defined Network / Testbed
by admin published Nov 29, 2013 last modified Mar 26, 2014 07:13 PM
Located in Projects / Software Defined Network
by Oleg Sadov published Dec 01, 2013 last modified Dec 11, 2013 11:15 PM — filed under: , , , ,
Located in Projects / Software Defined Network
by Oleg Sadov published Nov 29, 2013 last modified Jan 20, 2016 10:10 AM — filed under: , ,
Published in Digital scientific magazine «Modern problems of science and education» Abstract: Here it is described a study of possibilities to build up and test the performance of the software defined network (SDN) segments. The applicability of the SDN for data centers and the distributed storage systems. We describe experiments on stress testing of the storage area networks with the use of NOX controller and various software and hardware OpenFlow switches. A check on the possibility of processing bulk client requests, measured response delay, carried out experiments to simulate the operation of data center with 64 switches and 100 thousands hosts. The comparative results of the effectiveness of specific mechanisms implementing QoS are presented. The main problems of existing implementations of OpenFlow SDN components identified during the work and recommendations on possible ways to address them are described. Khoruzhnikov S.E., Chugreev D.A., Titov V.B., Sadov O.L., Kairkanov A.B., Grudinin V.A., Vlasov D.V., Shevel A.E., Shkrebets A.E., Soms L.N. National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Located in Projects / Software Defined Network / Technical publications
by Oleg Sadov published Nov 29, 2013 last modified Jan 20, 2016 10:11 AM — filed under: , , , ,
Published in Digital scientific magazine «Modern problems of science and education» Abstract: The purpose of the study are software-defined network (SDN) OpenFlow and effectiveness of their approach to build a network storage. Here we present the study how to build up and study of operating characteristics of software-configurable networks. Prototyping tools for managing network resources and data flows on the basis of the SDN are described. The estimation of the SDN approach for data centers (DC) and the distributed storage systems is observed. We describe experiments with various modifications of OpenFlow controller NOX and set out the specifics of the use of various software and hardware OpenFlow switches. We provide comparative performance results of specific QoS methods. A description of the main problems of existing implementations of OpenFlow SDN components identified during the research, and recommendations on possible ways to address them are provided. Authors: Khoruzhnikov S.E., Chugreev D.A., Titov V.B., Sadov O.L., Kairkanov A.B., Grudinin V.A., Vlasov D.V., Shevel A.E., Shkrebets A.E., Soms L.N. National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Located in Projects / Software Defined Network / Technical publications
File OpenFlow SDN testbed for Storage Area Network
by Oleg Sadov last modified Jul 14, 2014 12:46 AM
PDF file
Located in Projects / Software Defined Network / Technical publications
by kairkanov published Dec 01, 2014 last modified Jan 03, 2015 09:10 AM — filed under: , , ,
Conference: «Innovative Networking Technologies: SDN & NFV – The Next Generation of Computational Infrastructure» Lomonosov Moscow State University - October 27-29, 2014. Published in Proceedenigs of the conference. Authors: Oleg L. Sadov, Vladimir A. Grudinin, Andrey Y. Shevel, Dmitry V. Vlasov, Sergey E. Khoruzhnikov, Alexander E. Shkrebets, Vladmir B. Titov, Arsen B. Kairkanov.
Located in Projects / Software Defined Network / Technical publications